Principals Message

What an amazing last two weeks we have had at school! We have had so many opportunities to invite the community into our school and the next two weeks prove to be very similar.
Cross country
Well done to all of the students who participated in the inter-school cross country last week. A huge congratulations to Pippa, Karter, Bodhi and Hunter who will all go on to the next level this Friday. We wish you the very best and we are all behind you!
Pupil Free Days this term
This Friday is the first of our two pupil free days targeting our mathematics practice. Our whole staff will attend the Mathematics Association of Victoria regional conference in Bendigo. The conference hosts seminars that provide staff with contemporary and evidence-based practices for teaching numeracy. We are really looking forward to the great learning and coming back to discuss and plan with this as a staff.
Our day will be followed up by a planning day, facilitated by one of the Leaders of Learning and Pedagogy from Catholic Education Sandhurst on Friday 31 May. This is an opportunity for us to put all of that learning together and plan for how it can impact student outcomes.
Child Safety
Child Safety Officers
As part of our commitment to Child Safety, our school has two Child Safety Officers who are assigned to deal with any circumstances pertaining to child safety. Our Child Safety Officers are: Vin Ryan and Bianca Brook. We are both trained and have the required understanding of legislation, policy and procedure.
All staff have an appreciation for legislation and understand their commitments and obligations however Bianca and I are the ones who support students, families and staff.
Bravehearts - Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Show
On Thursday, we have Di and Leanne from Bravehearts attending our F/1/2 classroom to facilitate ‘Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Show’. Information went to F/1/2 families several weeks back regarding the show. The show empowers student voice and provides strategies for students if they ever feel unsafe.
Our Year 3-6 students will delve into this topic more during their Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships sessions.
Mothers Day Morning Tea - Thursday 10:50am
We have our Mother’s Day morning tea this Thursday. We welcome all mums and significant women in our students' lives to attend. We have morning tea supplied and we look forward to celebrating this special day with families.
We also have Mother’s Day Mass at 12:30pm for those who wish to attend.
Burnside Year 5/6 camp
We are really looking forward to our Year 5/6 camp from Monday 20 - Wednesday 22 to Burnside Camp in Anglesea. Permission and Medical forms went out last week. If you have not completed the forms or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Once again, I thank you for your ongoing support and please come and see me if you have any queries or concerns.
Vin Ryan