Performing Arts
During Term 2 of Performing Arts, the students are moving on to a dance focus.
The Foundation students have started the unit by understanding their body zones and body bases. This is a great way for the students to learn about ‘safe dance practices’. Students are encouraged to stay in their own body zone and not dance too close to their peers. Students are also encouraged to check their shoes/feet or floor around them to reference their body base.
The Grade 1 and 2 students have been decorating and creating their ‘front page’ for their dance profile workbook. The students were asked to draw a picture relating to times they have danced. Many students have drawn pictures of birthday parties, dancing with friends or listening to music.
In Grades 3 and 4, the students have been introduced to 3 main parts of safe dance practice. Their bodies, being warmed up and feeling ready to move. Body zones, ensuring they have enough personal space around them to move safely and freely. Lastly, their body bases, checking their shoelaces are tied, their shoes are on properly and the floor around them is safe.
Grades 5 and 6 have been introduced to 4 elements of dance. Space, Timing, Energy and Music. These 4 elements have been explored in a Performing Arts session while encouraging students to create new ways to move and imagine new movement ideas with their peers.