Grade 2
We have had such a wonderful start to term 2! We are so glad to be back together learning new things and sharing about our holidays.
Over the last fortnight we have been working so hard to learn the digraph ‘ar’ like in star. We have also learnt that when the letters ‘ey’ and ‘y’ are at the end of a word they make the sound /e/. We have learnt to spell the tricky words ‘alright’, ‘always’ and ‘said’.
For Comprehension, students have read and made predictions about a text called ‘The Mystery’ and have been super excited to check if their predictions came true.
We have also learnt all about adjectives and sang a funky song to describe different nouns.
“Let’s describe Mr Hallet now, Mr Hallet now, Mr Hallet now
Let’s describe Mr Hallet now - cool, funny, strong!”
We have started term 2 by exploring addition. Our year 2’s are fantastic at using strategies like counting on, using their fingers and using counters to solve addition problems. We are learning new strategies including the split strategy, column strategy and using a number line to solve addition with 2 digit numbers.
For writing we have learnt about acrostic poems and Haiku poems. We made acrostic poems about the different seasons and took great pride in presenting them nicely. Our student’s learnt that Haiku poems are a Japanese poem that follow a 5-7-5 syllable pattern. We have loved seeing how creative our students are!
So cute and fluffy.
Puppies love to dig and play.
They are so sleepy.
Nihaal Singh - 2E
This term for Integrated we will be exploring important people and places. We talked about how important Mr Abdallah is to us as he looks after us and our wonderful school. We also talked about different community helpers and the positive impact they have on us. We then talked about Bunjil Place and how it is a special meeting point in our community. Lot’s of student’s shared that they enjoy going to Bunjil Place and exploring the library.