Secondary News

Dear Families,


On behalf of the Middle and Senior staff of Lakeside College we warmly welcome you to Term 2. 


We hope you have had a very peaceful and relaxing time over Easter and we very much look forward to working with your students in what promises to be another busy term.

As we head into winter, students will be expected to be in full winter uniform from Monday 29th April. Secondary students will be expected to wear their blazer as per our uniform policy.


Key dates for Term 2

  • Monday 6th May - Year 8 Girls Regional Volleyball
  • Tuesday 7th May - Year 7 Girls Netball
  • Friday 17th May - Checkpoint reports released to families
  • Tuesday 21st May - Secondary Division Cross Country
  •  Friday 31st May - House Athletics
  • Thursday 6th June - Senior Boys and Girls Basketball
  • Monday 10th June - King’s Birthday Public Holiday
  • Tuesday 11th June - Year 7 Boys and Girls Soccer
  • Thursday 13th June - Winter Recital
  • Monday 17th June - Exam Week Years 10 & 11
  • Tuesday 18th June - GAT for students doing a Unit 3 & 4 subject
  • Thursday 20th June - Secondary Regional Cross Country
  • Monday 24th June - Year 8 Boys and Girls Soccer
  • Tuesday 25th June - School Photos
  • Thursday 27th June - Thanksgiving Service
  • Friday 28th June - Term 2 ends, Semester 1 reports released to families


Legacy ANZAC Student Service

On Friday 19th April, our Year 8 students and the student leaders from Years 5 - 12 were privileged to attend the 92nd annual Legacy ANZAC Service for Students. This is an annual service for students to honour Australia’s brave servicemen and women through the eyes of the young.


The service featured student guest speakers, school bands and choirs, along with attendance by the Defence Force cadets. Proudly supported by Melbourne Legacy’s patron, Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, Governor of Victoria along with dignitaries and a RAAF fly-over.


Our College Captains Jeremy and Tanisha, laid a wreath at the eternal flame on behalf of the College. It was a very moving service and the students’ behaviour and engagement were exemplary.


After the service, we were invited to visit the Shrine of Remembrance to look at some of the exhibits.


Term Awards

The Secondary school is continuing with our term awards. These awards acknowledge the positive choices and efforts of our student cohort in each year level, separate from our Learn, Care and Achieve awards that are given at our Thanksgiving Services in Terms 2 and 4.


  • Wears College uniform correctly 
  • Engages positively with peers and staff
  • Demonstrates resilient behaviours
  • Demonstrates enthusiasm and a keen interest in learning


Youth Mental Health

As parents, it’s natural to be concerned about the wellbeing of our children, and it’s important to keep ourselves informed about the current state of youth wellbeing. Unfortunately, the data paints a concerning picture. Across the world, young people are facing a range of challenges that is impacting their mental, physical and emotional health. Factors such as social media, academic pressure and economic instability are just a few of the many challenges affecting the wellbeing of children and adolescents today. While it’s important to remember that every child is different and may face unique challenges, understanding the broader trends can help parents stay informed and better equipped to support their children. 


For more information and useful resources please go our College School TV site using the link below.




Yours sincerely


Mrs Joanne Rothwell                                                                                          Mrs Amanda Trewin

Head of Middle School                                                                                      Head of Senior School

Author Visit

On Anzac Day eve, renowned children's author Louise Park visited our Year 9's to talk about her grandfather's experiences at Gallipoli. 

Our students were deeply engaged by her accounts of the struggles, sacrifices and mateship experienced by our Anzac soldiers. Louise also shared personal photos and diary entries from her grandfather who was the last man out of Gallipoli during the evacuation.


Mr Josh Rosaia

English/Humanities Faculty Coordinator

Werribee Open Range Zoo

On April 30, under overcast skies our year nine students, accompanied by four teachers, set out by coach to the other side of metropolitan Melbourne to visit Werribee Open Range Zoo. On arrival the weather fined up as if to order. The aim was to research aspects of sensing and responding in animals using background information and actual observation of African animals. Their current studytopic, reproduction was also very much in focus.


The first half of the day was walking the African River Trail, where students observed Hippos, Lions, Vervet Monkeys, Gorillas and several Deer species. They were treated to a talk by a zoo keeper who had actually spent time in the African natural habitat of these species, sharing insights about their wild existence and the more domestic likes of animals in their current life at Werribee. 


Apparently Gorillas like some of the recorded music that we humans listen to, and a well-known singer’s Christmas album is one of their favourites apparently!

Later in the day, we boarded the open-windowed Safari Bus which is a series of carriages towed by a lead vehicle that drove on tracks amongst the animals. This meant we saw the following animals with uninterrupted views: 

Rhinos, Giraffes, Zebras, Water bucks, Oryx, Eland, Camels, more deer species, Ostriches, Bisons (American of course), and rare wild horses from a special breeding program.


The students’ curiosity regarding and empathy for the conservation of these incredible animals was greatly evident.


Nevil Schultz

Science Teacher