VCE News and Key Dates


Non-Scored VCE Applications

On completion of Year 12 most students receive an ATAR score (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank). Some students may choose to not receive this score by completing a ‘non-scored VCE’. This means they complete their subjects and classwork as per the rest of their cohort, but do not sit end of year exams. This can remove undue stress on some students and/or allow them to finish the year earlier to seek employment if they do not plan on attending university at all, or for a few years. 

Applications for Year 12 students to go non-scored close at the end of this term. Students (and their guardians) considering this pathway are welcome to make contact with the VCE Leader (Ms Scannell) or their child’s House Leader to discuss this option in more detail.




Geelong Youth Engagement organised their annual “You Just Never Know (YJNK) – Road Safety Program” for Year 11 students in the Geelong Region.  More than 2000 students from 14 local schools (Government & Non-Government Schools) attended the event this week.  The YJNK program is a road safety program which targets teenagers who will be attempting their drivers’ licence in the near future.  It raises awareness and provides education around the dangers of irresponsible driving, in particular drink driving and drug driving, using mobile phones while driving and speeding.  The students heard from several speakers live on stage, and others pre-recorded, who have been affected by road trauma.  This included members of Ambulance Victoria, the Department of Justice, Victorian Police, hospital doctors & nurses and road accident survivors.



“On Tuesday 7th May, Mr. Caccamo & Ms Scannell organised for all Year 11 students to attend the 2024 Road Safety Program presented Geelong Youth Engagement. Students were bused to the Geelong Performing Arts Centre.  There were Year 11 students from many government and non-government schools attending that day. Peter Hitchener, from Channel 9 News, was the compare, and the program was presented by a number of guest speakers which included representatives from the Victorian Police Force, Ambulance & Paramedics, A Geelong Magistrate from our local courts and doctors and nurses from University Hospital Geelong / Barwon Health.  This program was targeted towards young drivers encouraging them to make good decisions on the roads.  The messages included the emphasis on zero use of alcohol or drugs when driving, sticking to the speed limits, no use of mobile phones while driving, wearing seatbelts, and paying attention to other road users.  The short film produced by the staff at the University Hospital Geelong showed a victim of a major vehicle collision.  This was extremely confronting as it showed the significant injuries the driver sustained and the raw emotions from the driver’s family / friends and it was also challenging for the doctors and nurses.  The short film showed us how many people are impacted by road accidents when people are seriously injured or die in road collisions.

There was a very strong emphasis for young people as passengers, to have the courage to tell a driver to slow down or tell them that they wanted to get out of the car because they did not feel safe.  Young people need to take responsibility and determine whether it is safe to get into a car as a passenger providing the driver is in a condition to drive responsibly.

We feel that this was an excellent program because it was very informative regarding road safety and the precautions all drivers and passengers should take.  Young drivers can be the ambassadors for change in this area, and this will hopefully lead to reduced serious road accidents and deaths. Hopefully, all our year 11 students will remember these strong messages and contribute to making our roads safe with less accidents, resulting in less serious injuries or lives lost.

There was a car from a serious collision displayed outside the Geelong Arts Centre. "

Bella Lang (11 Blue) &  Lily Ives  (11A Red)


Archie Bee (11Red) and Eliza Turley (11Gold) where selected for a photograph and a short interview about the program.  The photo and their interviews were featured in the Geelong Advertiser this week. 

Photo:  Archie Bee (11R) & Eliza Turley (11G) with the car wreck used at the program.


Michael Caccamo                                            &            Jess Scannell

Assistant Principal - Senior School                            VCE Leader