Principal's Report

Principal Report


I begin this report with the sad news that one of our regular relief teachers Vic Verecondi passed away last Saturday.


Vic was a much-loved member of the Belmont High community and I know his passing brings great sadness for many of our staff and students. Due to his role as a relief teacher Vic had a positive impact on many of our students and staff in his time teaching with us.


We know news like this can trigger a whole range of emotions, so I reinforce to parents that there are a range of supports that we can offer as a school.


Along with the school supports there are community supports available through: 

· Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800 or

· Parent line: 13 22 89 or


Our thoughts and deepest condolences go out to the Verecondi family and friends during this difficult time.


State Budget


Unfortunately, our major science build project was not funded in Tuesday’s State Budget. Pleasingly the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) will continue to work with us along with our architect’s team to advance our planning project to the Tender Documentation phase. This means as funding becomes available, we will be in a position to move into the construction phase quickly.

I will update our school community as more information comes to hand.


Belmont High Athletics Carnival


On Friday 26th of April we held our BHS school athletics carnival. It was amazing to see all the dress ups and energy brought by our students. While there were a number of incredible individual performances on the day it was the carnival atmosphere that made this day so memorable.

Congratulations to the following students who were named age group champion on the day.

Attitudes to School Survey (AToSS)


During an extended Form Assembly on Tuesday 14th May, our students will be completing the annual AToS Survey that is created by the Department of Education. This is an opportunity for our students to give important feedback on their experience at school. We have created a short video in partnership with our junior and senior captains to explain the importance of this feedback to students.

The results will come back to us in Term 3 and from there we will look at getting focus groups of students together to further unpack this information.


Barwon Zone Athletics


After the success of our school athletics, we had over 120 students represent the school at the Barwon Zone Athletics on Friday 3rd May. As we come to expect our students were amazing with terrific performances all over the field.

Belmont had a very successful day winning the overall pennant along with 4 of the other 7 pennants on offer.


Introducing our Wellbeing Dog – Sunnie


I would like to introduce the newest member of our staff to the school community. Over the next few months Sunnie will be joining BHS as our Wellbeing Dog. Planning has been occurring for some time and our next phase will be looking to slowly introduce Sunnie to our community.

Sunnie will predominately work in the wellbeing, inclusion and Year 7 & 8 spaces.


If any parents have questions in regard to this initiative feel free to make contact with a member of the admin team.


BHS Multicultural Day


We are pleased to announce this year’s Multicultural Day will be held on Tuesday 21st May.  Students will be actively involved in promoting their cultural heritage by providing food to sell or performing or running an activity.  The festivities will take place at lunchtime and all profits raised will go towards the purchase an outdoor table tennis table.  Students are encouraged to bring along a small amount of cash for the purchase of food. We look forward to the Welcome to Country and seeing the variety of cultural music, dance and other activities.