Art, Music, PE & STEM

STEM – Term 2, Week 2


This week in STEM, Prep students looked at different objects and had to decide if it was made out of wood, paper, plastic, fabric, metal or rubber. 


Grade 1 to 6 students had a STEM Challenge Week, where they firstly looked at bridges in Hamilton, Warrnambool, Melbourne, Sydney and America. They then worked with others to create a bridge with only two blocks and two pieces of paper that was strong enough to hold a toy car. 


Well done to Barrie Lang and Jonny Redderhof for receiving STEM certificates this week. Congratulations to 3/4A for also receiving a class STEM award for this week. 


Mr Nolan

STEM Specialist Teacher





Hello everyone, 

In Music this week, our Preps sang the National Anthem beautifully, played the beat, and moved and drew to animal music.

The 1/2s moved and clapped to different rhythms.

The 3/4s learned a Hoedown square dance, and the 5/6s began exploring Jazz music.


In Choir News, we have been working hard on our parts for our songs.



This week’s class Music Award goes to Prep A for their beautiful, in-tune singing. The individual awards go to Barrie Lang and Harrison Kearney in Prep B, for their excellent instrument playing.


Thank you,

Mrs Megan Garland

Music Specialist