Humanities and Social Sciences

Lunch with MP Bill Johnston at Parliament House

Lunch with MP Bill Johnston at Parliament House

On Friday, 19 April, Year 10 students Millie Stancil, Gemma Emmerson, Azeriah Borja, Liam Cruzana, Brian Le and Darcy Brown had the privilege to visit Parliament House and have lunch with Member for Canning, Mr Bill Johnston MLA. They represented the College to the highest standard, engaging in meaningful and in-depth conversation with Mr Johnston about a range of issues impacting both the State and the City of Canning. The students found Mr Johnston to be very approachable, engaging and knowledgeable as they were given a detailed insight into the workings of State Parliament and the work of a State Politician. They very much enjoyed their tour of Parliament House and the lunch in the exclusive Members Dining Room was excellent.


Mr N Roberts

(Humanities and Social Sciences Teacher)