Climate Canons

Earth Day

Earth Day

St Norbert College, along with the rest of the world, observed Earth Day on Monday, 22 April. Earth Day is held each year to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first held on Wednesday, 22 April, 1970 and now includes a wide range of events involving 1 billion people in over 193 countries.


The official theme of Earth Day this year was 'Planet vs Plastics'. At the College, the Climate Canons encourage the recycling of many different types of plastics including bottle tops, bread tags, pens, makeup containers and drink bottles in an effort to reduce our use of plastic and reuse where possible.


Students participated in a Blooket quiz to learn more about Earth Day and the recycling of plastics. Congratulations to Gyanbi Shrestha (Year 11) and Levi Buthelho (Year 8) for achieving the highest scores. 


Thank you to everyone who was involved, and remember, every day is Earth Day.


Miss D Pisconeri

(Climate Canons Co-ordinator)