A Word from the Co-Chairs of the Trustees

Dear Friends of Kildare Ministries
We’ve just been companions on the journey of the First National Conference for all Staff of Kildare Ministries. We are in this together, friends of Kildare Ministries. We share a story of common purpose, a commitment, with inspiration from the mission of Jesus in the Gospel stories and in the traditions of the Brigidine and Presentation Sisters. The beautiful words of the hymn We are Companions on the Journey seem to reflect the experience very well.
We are companions on the journey…….
No longer strangers to each other…. We are fed and nourished by the strength of those who care.
We have been gifted with each other…. And we are called by the Word of the Lord
To act with justice and to love tenderly …….
At the conference we experienced so many gifts together as companions:
We experienced guest speakers, from diverse walks of life, sharing their gift of wisdom while challenging us to listen and think more deeply about a rich variety of subjects and issues.
We experienced our friends from the community works who, every day, act with justice and love tenderly. Many were amazed and inspired by the services and care of the community works.
We experienced the leadership and the kindness of all the staff in the five hubs who were so hospitable and caring of their guests.
We experienced the harvest of the people who planned the conference in such extraordinary detail. What a harvest! Thank you.
We have been so richly blessed with the gifts of each other.
Do you have a memory that you cherish and is still having a strong impact on you?
Each of the days ahead will call us to be nourished by what we have learned as we Crossed New Seas. The way ahead may not seem really clear yet, but all of us together will forge the road, sometimes smooth and easy no doubt, sometimes difficult. You may not have agreed with everything you’ve heard and that’s the life of the journey of companionship. Let your voice be heard.
Let us continue what Kildare Ministries people do –Living Justice Living Peace- with loving tenderness.
Kathy McEvoy and Rosemary Copeland
Co-Chairs of the Trustees of Kildare Ministries