Careers & Work Experience


Items in the Career News:

  • Dates to Diarise in Term 1
  • RMIT April Campus Tours 
  • GAP Year Opportunities with CCUSA 
  • News from Swinburne University 
  • A Day in the Life of a Swinburne Student Events 
  • Work Integrated Learning at Swinburne 
  • Studying Forensic Science at Deakin 
  • Photography Workshops in the April Holidays at PSC 
  • What is a Sports Physiotherapist? 
  • The Nexus Program at La Trobe University 
  • Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information Service 
  • Dual Electrical Qualifications Program at Federation University 
  • Data Science & Information Systems Degrees in Victoria in 2024 
  • Snapshot of La Trobe University in 2024