
Junior School Sports Update


Division Tennis 

Huge congratulations to the Junior School’s answer to Ash Barty – Poppy Edgar, who represented our school at the SSV Division Tennis Tournament in Warrnambool last Thursday. Poppy played against many highly skilled and coached players throughout the day. Congratulations to Poppy who made it all the way to the semi-finals, narrowly losing in a competitive match. A wonderful achievement. 


House Athletics 

Congratulations to all students who demonstrated their willingness to ‘have-a-go’ for their House and for themselves on the day. The positive sportsmanship and supportive, happy vibe on the day is a testament to our students. Huge congratulations to Young House, who very narrowly (by .02 point) defeated Berry in second place, Learmonth in third and Laidlaw, fourth. Thank you to the many wonderful members of our school community who helped the day run smoothly.  


HDSA Athletics

Next Thursday, 21 March, 48 Junior School students, will form our College Athletics team to compete against other Hamilton Primary Schools at Mitchell Park. Our students will participate in all track and field events, including relays and we wish our team the very best of luck on this day. Parents, please keep an eye on Operoo for further information. 


REG Swimming

Next Friday, 22 March, the following students will compete in Horsham at the SSV Regional Swimming Championships. We wish our Junior School team all the very best of luck in the pool! 

  • Sammie Price, 9/10 Breaststroke 
  • Matilda Mercer, 11yo Breaststroke and 11yo Butterfly 
  • Ada O’Brien, 12/13yo Breaststroke 
  • Ruby Price, 12/13yo Breaststroke 
  • Johnny Fenton, 11yo Freestyle 
  • Olivia Bell, 11yo Backstroke 

Mrs Louise Patterson

Junior School PE and Sport