Boarding House

- Mr Andrew Monk

Celebrating together

A successful boarding experience is and always will include the building of strong connections between each other. Making friends is a wonderful experience. There is the excitement of sharing similar interests and passions, working through what you don’t agree upon, and negotiating activities or outings. 


Not to forget that over time the friendship will rise and fall and sometimes these last for decades and sometimes they respectfully fade and new friendships are formed. 


All the while, the experience of communicating, sharing stories, showing empathy, being compassionate, reading emotions and working through negotiation and disagreement are certainly life-long skills which are accelerated in boarding. 


With this though comes opportunity to be brave and simply have a go at different things. Our theme nights certainly do that! 


This week our Boarding Captains Bella and Charlie challenged boarders to dress up as Movie Theme Characters. The best characters gained points for their House in the Boarding House Perpetual Cup. With Macdonald House taking the prize the girls certainly provided a few great laughs. Well done Mac House!


Formal Dinners

Learning the art of a formal dinner isn’t as easy as it sounds, however, it is an important part of the College Boarding programme. Each term boarders attend a formal dinner whereby an invited guest reflects upon their story and shares insights with our boarders. This term we were privileged to have Roslyn (Rolly) Law join us. Rolly is a lifelong educator and Board member for our College. Her presentation was part historical (Rolly was a History teacher) and part biographical. So many wonderful insights were shared including the pig’s table, writing letters home, disagreements about what to watch on t.v., and the challenges of getting along with 100 girls in a Boarding House. It was evident the importance of community, sisterhood, navigating your own challenges, and being a decision maker for good or bad is as important as it was in the 60’s as it is today. Thank YOU Rolly for your beautiful presentation and sharing your story.



Up and coming events: 

I look forward to seeing many of our families at the Lucindale Field Days tomorrow and Saturday.  It is always a wonderful couple of days in the South East of SA.  Please pop by and say hello to myself, Susie and Alana in the Yakka Pavillion.

  • Katnook Estate Parent Drinks – tonight! 
  • Lucindale Field Days – We will be in the Yakka Pavillion at the Lucindale Fields on 15/16 March.