Junior School

- Mr Stephen Nelson, Head of Junior School

House Athletics

Friday was a wonderful day of athletic endeavour, with all of our students participating in Junior School House Athletics. The College values of resilience, respect, gratitude, optimism, and compassion were certainly on display. The positive sportsmanship and supportive, happy vibe on the day are a testament to our students. The Junior School staff are incredibly proud of the efforts of the Piccino to Year 6 students.  


A huge thank you to staff, parents, and grandparents who assisted with running the track and field events. Thanks also to the P&F volunteers who ran the barbeque and fed and watered the hungry crowd. So many wonderful members of our school community chipped in and helped to make this day such a lovely experience for our children—a very sincere thank you to you all.


Congratulations to Young House on a terrific win, the closest contest in Junior School House Athletics history – defeating Berry by .02 points.


2024 Age Champions

12/13 Years - Grace O’Sullivan and Sidney Hawker

11 Years - Elsie Dyer and Tommy Brown/Johhny Fenton

10 Years - Violet Shrive and Harry Diprose

9 Years - Harriet Small and Will Brown / George Robertson

NAPLAN - Years 3 and 5

The 2024 NAPLAN testing has commenced this week for our Year 3 and 5 students.  On Wednesday they sat the Writing test and on Friday students will sit the Reading test. Conventions of language and Numeracy will be held on Monday and Tuesday of Week 8. 

Young House Fundraiser

Our Junior School Houses will present a House Service and connect with the community each term via a fundraising activity or awareness project. 


On Monday, 25 March, Young House will support the Good Friday Appeal with a casual clothes day and a sale of fairy floss and popcorn at lunchtime. Students are asked to come to school with a gold coin donation, some loose change for food items, and be dressed in green and purple for the day. The Good Friday Appeal is a charity that raises money to enable The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne to provide world-class care for our children. 

Continuous Reporting 

Our first window for Continuous Reporting opens this week and runs through to the end of Week 8.  In this period, class teachers will report on Literacy, Numeracy and Inquiry assessed tasks. Specialist teachers will report on an assessed task for Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 classes.  They will report on Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 classes in Term Two.  This is a new system for Junior School staff.  We will review our new reporting system regularly and look forward to partnering with our parents to create a modern and transparent continuous reporting model.

Student Representative Council

Our Junior School SRC is made up of class representatives from Prep to Year 6, plus our Junior School Captains Emma Milne and Sidney Hawker.  We have had two meetings this term.  Our first project will be repainting the cubby house in the Myrniong playground.  In Term Two, we have planned a Walk To School Day on Friday, 26 April.  We are looking at a Ride To School Day later in the year. 

Week 7 Star Students 

The following students were awarded Star Student awards at this week’s Assembly. 

  • Year 1: Jasper Hoffmann for his positive and enthusiastic approach to the school day and for always doing his personal best in learning tasks.
  • Year 3: Magnus Gaussen for significantly improving his Persuasive Writing with both an introduction and a conclusion.
  • Year 5: Alinta Margetts for her great persistence during all her swimming lessons. It really paid off, and she improved so much in this program. Also, for her persistence in her maths addition work, in which she has shown great improvement.
  • Year 5: Adelaide Farquharson for her love of books and being an avid reader in and out of class.  Also, for her wonderful artistic ability in our Health relaxation drawing classes.
  • Year 6: Ruby Price for quietly and diligently working hard in all that she does and regularly trying to extend herself beyond her comfort zone. She is caring, always ready to help, and a great friend to others, both in the classroom and on the playground. She is an asset to the class.

Frozen Jnr Audition 

This is a final reminder that online bookings for Frozen Junior auditions close this Friday.  There are still a few timeslots available for Monday, 18 March and Tuesday, 19 March.  The auditions will be held in the Prep/Year 1 classrooms. 

Junior School Sports Report on the Sport page...