Around the Primary Classes

Harmony week in Kindergarten saw the students participate in celebrating diversity. Throughout the week there were a lot of discussions about what “Everyone Belongs” means and how we can help promote a sense of belonging at school ( and more specifically within our class). We read a special story written by Mem Fox called ‘Whoever You Are’. A wonderful book about children from all over the world.
Recently the Prep students participated in their first session of Nature Play at Lambert Park with Mrs Giudici. It was a lovely sunny day and a great opportunity for the students to explore and play in a natural space. It was wonderful to see the students support each other as they navigated the space and engaged in a variety of play. From making fairy gardens to finding clay in the creek the Preps were excited to spend the afternoon together in this outdoor classroom.
Year One
In Year 1, we've had a term full of growth, laughter and learning. The students have been acquiring knowledge of phonemes and diagraphs using rhymes and reinforcement. They've cemented their understanding of number bonds to 10 through games and songs to maths to make things 'stick'.
Other big highlights include nature play, buddy time with Year 5 students and the Palm Sunday Liturgy. The Year 1 students have worked really hard and are all developing their growth mindset. We wish everyone a very Happy Easter and restful term break.
Year Two
The week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday is known as Holy Week. It is a very sacred time in the Church's year. Year 2 began Holy Week through their participation in the Palm Sunday re-enactment last week. This week, the students have been listening to and participating in Godly Plays which tell the story of Jesus from his welcome into Jerusalem, to Holy Thursday where Jesus celebrated His Last Supper, then in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was betrayed and arrested, and lastly to Good Friday where Jesus was crucified. We also participated in the Godly Play story of the resurrection, prior to breaking up for Easter.
Godly Play opens up the Bible passages to students, assisting them to understand through engaging their imagination and experience the wonder and mystery of Jesus and these stories. The students also record their thoughts and understandings by responding to the story through writing or drawing. These photos show the Bible passages as told through Godly Play using the Godly Play dolls and accessories as well as some student responses to the Last Supper Godly Play.
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)
In OSHC we have been creating a Harmony Week display, enjoying time with our friends and getting ready for the Easter break.
Coming up for the next few weeks it's Easter craft-mania! We are going to be making felt bunny ears & paws, decorating Easter eggs and creating an Easter basket for OSHC. Hopefully over the break the Easter Bunny will visit us too!
There is an action packed program planned for the school holidays including excursions to the Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery (TMAG), Simmons Park Lindisfarne and Village Cinema to see Kung Fu Panda 4. More details will be sent to parents via email. We look forward to seeing you during the holidays!