A Word from the Principal

Megan Richardson

As we approach the sacred time of Holy Week, hearts around the world turn towards reflection, repentance, and renewal. At its core, Holy Week invites us to journey alongside Jesus Christ as he faces the ultimate sacrifice for the redemption of humanity. It is a time of introspection, where we are called to examine our own lives, confront our shortcomings, and seek forgiveness and reconciliation. Through the solemn observances of Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the joyous celebration of Easter Sunday, Holy Week provides a sacred space for spiritual growth and transformation. 


Palm Sunday marks the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, greeted by crowds waving palm branches—an event that symbolises the hope and promise of salvation. Yet, this joyous occasion is tinged with the knowledge of what is to come—a reminder of the fragility of human triumph and the fleeting nature of worldly glory. 


Holy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper, where Jesus shared a final meal with his disciples, washing their feet as a powerful symbol of humility and service. It is a poignant reminder of the importance of love, compassion, and selflessness in our relationships with others—a lesson that resonates deeply in today's world, marred by division and strife. 


Good Friday marks the crucifixion of Jesus Christ—a day of solemn reflection on the suffering and sacrifice endured for the sake of humanity's salvation. It is a reminder of the profound depths of God's love and the transformative power of redemption—a message of hope and healing for all who seek it. 


Finally, Easter Sunday heralds the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ—an event that signifies the triumph of light over darkness, life over death. It is a celebration of new beginnings, renewed faith, and the promise of eternal life—a beacon of hope that shines brightly in a world often shrouded in despair. 


In a society marked by busyness and distraction, Holy Week offers a sacred pause—a time to step back from the hustle and bustle of daily life and reconnect with the deeper truths that give meaning and purpose to our existence. It is a time to rekindle our spiritual journey, to seek forgiveness and reconciliation, and to reaffirm our commitment to lives of faith, love, and service. 


As we embark on this sacred journey through Holy Week, may we open our hearts to the transformative power of God's grace, and may we emerge renewed, refreshed, and ready to embrace the abundant blessings of life. May this holy season be a time of reflection, renewal, and spiritual growth for all, regardless of faith or creed. In the words of Saint Augustine, "We are an Easter people, and Alleluia is our song." May the joy of Easter fill our hearts and homes, today and always.

Easter Raffle

Thank you to all families who donated Easter eggs for our raffle and sold raffle tickets. The total amount raised was $1,545.60, which is an amazing result and will go towards upgrading the Undercroft area and supporting Project Compassion. The prize for best ticket seller went to Violet Chivers (Year 5 White). We appreciate your support.

Congratulations to our prize winners:

  • Bella Bomford
  • Frances Conrades
  • Elle Daley
  • Phoebe Gatehouse
  • Jackie Lester
  • Zara Singh
  • Stafford Family
  • Adele Whelan

Jack Jumpers Basketball

I am a passionate Jack Jumpers fan and am fortunate enough to attend every game here in Hobart. I am sure that many of you along with me were jumping out of our seats with excitement as the team pulled together and won in the dying seconds of the match Sunday night. Aside from the skills, determination and courage displayed by the team;  I particularly focus on the tangible sense of culture, community and Scott Roth’s leadership.  A community based on ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ that recognises the gifts of every member with a passionate focus on their heritage and values resonates with my own leadership and community beliefs here at Mount Carmel College. On Thursday night I will have my clappers out and cheer with my daughter in the hopes that this group can continue to ‘defend their island’ and evoke values of unity, passion, teamwork and community in us all.

Alumni News

Last Saturday our Alumni celebrated their close ties with Mount Carmel College, taking time to share stories, tour the grounds, create memories and explore our new directions.  Special thanks to the organisers of this event and we look forward to other events throughout the year.

Year 7 and Kindergarten 2025 Enrolments

A reminder places are filling fast for Year 7 in 2025, please make sure any siblings, friends or potential community members send enrolment forms in as soon as possible.  Enrolment forms are available online or from the Office, we also welcome tours and an opportunity to meet with me.


We are also beginning to accept enrolments for Kindergarten in 2025. With a brand new space ready for our Kindergarten and Prep students and our growing number of students in the Early Learning Centre, it is essential families, friends and anyone else wishing to be a part of our community completes an enrolment form soon.

Leave and Happy Easter break

Finally I remind families and students I will be on Renewal and Long Service Leave until Week 9 of Term 2.  I know that Mrs Lyndal Tewes as Acting Principal, Ms. Lynda Hudson and Ms. Melanie Sluyters as Co-Deputy Principals will continue to support families, meet strategic goals and continue our focus on ensuring every student is thriving. 

I wish every member of our community a safe and blessed Easter and look forward to working with you again next term.