Year 6 Leaders Report

Working Together

Each week, our Year 6 students will develop their journalistic skills by writing a report for our newsletter. This will share what they have been learning as a part of their Year 6 leadership sessions. This week it is the turn of Olivia W (56MS) and Angus (56A).

Market day

Year 6s are working really hard on making this the best market day so far. Our groups in particular are working really well together at bouncing off ideas and using what we learnt in Canberra with voting to pick what we most wanted to do.

Speaking with Neil

Neil, our school principal, came into our leadership classroom and talked to us about what makes a good leader and how to manage his workload on a daily basis, for example putting yourself forward for new roles and using a to-do list. We also worked on our legacy which is what we want to be remembered for when we leave SKiPPS.