With the lovely Dianne Walsh moving on to a new role, the Boorowa Central School P & C are looking for a new Canteen Manager, starting in Term 2. Are you a parent looking for school hours work? A retiree looking to gain casual employment? Any member of the community seeking work in our wonderful school environment? All applicants considered!
Training will be available from the current manager, Dianne, over several weeks, with full transition to the new manager occurring on 20 May.
This position is:
Casual, Part-time (hours 8:30am – 3:00pm during School Terms Only). Please note that this means No Pay during school holidays.
Superannuation is paid on a pro rata basis.
The role includes:
- Running the canteen day-to-day
- Creating approved menus (to NSW Education Health Specifications)
- Food preparation
- Ordering and maintaining stock levels.
- Book-keeping and daily banking, including use of the Square payment system.
- Monthly canteen and canteen financial reports to the P & C
- Payment of invoices related to the canteen (with secondary approval from P&C Exec)
- Running small catering events for school functions and sporting events
- Actively recruiting volunteers to assist in the canteen and maintaining the volunteer roster.
- Ability to operate with at times limited volunteer assistance.
- Assisting the Uniform Shop Coordinator by selling and storing uniforms from the canteen
- Great customer service skills
- Excellent time management skills
- Have, or be willing to obtain a Working with Children Check
- Have, or be willing to obtain a Food Safety Supervisor Certificate
Please send your resume and a one-page cover letter outlining your experience and/or ability to learn on the job to E: boorowacentralschoolpandc@gmail.com
Tesselaar Bulb Fundraiser
It’s Autumn again! BCS P & C are again bringing you the fantastic Tesselaar Bulb Fundraiser!
By purchasing bulbs through the Term 1 fundraiser, our school receives 40% of all sales. Beautify your gardens or give them as gifts while helping the P & C to raise much needed funds for our kids’ educations.
Orders close on 11th April. Once all orders are in, they will be sent to the P & C who will distribute your bulbs to you.
ORDER ONLINE at: www.bulbfundraiser.com.au/BOOROWA
Browse the catalogue or find even more bulb varieties online – show the catalogue to your friends, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and neighbours.
Everybody loves a colourful garden! Get your orders in and support our wonderful school!
Boorowa Central School Girls Pants Order Form
Pants cost $45 each. All payments are cash or direct deposit.
Please complete the order form and return with full payment to the canteen.
Canteen has samples to try on sizes. A bulk order will be placed.
Order due back by the 5 April 2024, in time for term 2.
Available for Women size 6-22
Navy: Kindergarten – Year 10
Grey: Year 11-12
Account Details:
Name: Boorowa Central School P&C Uniform account
BSB: 633000
Account: 189 989 221
Reference: your child/children’s name
Student Name | Class | Size | Amount | $ |
Total | $ |