Wellbeing Matters 

Stronger Smarter

Students have begun to partake in team building activities to continue to build upon their connection with one another.

Firstly students played a game of charades acting out emotions, places and things. 


Year 4/5 and year 5/6 went on a duck hunt in the playground trying to locate mini ducks with team members having to listen to their team leader whilst continually holding a skipping rope. Part way through their challenge all students were able to communicate verbally to find the golden ducks.


Students were able to identify that it was easier to find and locate the ducks when only the team leader was able to speak and could relate this to their class room settings.

Rumour has it that there are still 5 golden ducks hidden in the play ground. I wonder when they will be located? Maybe our infants students will locate them next week?


Student Support Officer

One of the biggest questions I get asked as the Student Support Officer is “who can I talk to?”.

In a small school such as ours there really is no wrong person to talk to but to help students with this we have installed some new signage around the school to help them.

If students are in need of someone to talk to they can speak with their parents/family or their GP. Here at school they can speak with their class teacher, Year advisor, Boys/Girls Advisor, request to see the school counsellor or Student Support Officer. 

If unsure the Student Support Officer can always point them in the right direction. Sometimes this may involve contacting outside supports such as Kids Helpline or Mental Health Accessline.


As parents and caregivers if you have any concerns about your child please contact their class teacher or Year Advisor. You may also like to see your GP or in case of an emergency contact 000.

Below are some key phone numbers that may be able to assist you;


NSW Mental Health Access Line 1800 011 511- staffed by mental health professionals, the line gives NSW residents access to expert mental health advice, support and referrals for people dealing with a mental health problem and their families and carers.​


Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free 24/7 confidential and private counselling service specifically for children and young people aged 5 to 25. Call 1800 55 1800.


 If you are unsure of who best to speak with here at school, please do not hesitate to contact me as the Student Support Officer on 63853009. We are all here to support you and your child. 

Taryn Riles - Student Support Officer