Senior School

5/6 JDZ & 5/6 JD

We cannot believe it is the end of the term already! Term One has been an absolute blast! We have set up some fantastic habits and expectations, dived into important learning in all areas and navigated NAPLAN and everything that comes with it!


While we are looking forward to the break, we are also excited for what next term has in store!


Just a couple of quick reminders:

  • The Wiz Production Permission Forms MUST be returned on the first day back!
  • If you are interested in enrolling your child in instrumental music lessons for Term 2, please contact the office.

Have a safe and happy Easter and holiday break! :)


Our main work in the last week and a half of Term One has been completing and presenting our History Projects!

Students selected an influential soldier, settler or convict and completed a research assignment on this person. They needed to explore key questions such as why they came to Australia and what influence they had on Colonisation or Australian culture.

Proudly, every student presented their slideshow presentations to the class! 


We also used a lot of our time to publish our key writing pieces for the term. Students utilised Google Classroom to complete a published narrative, persuasive and recount piece. 


Last Thursday we celebrated Harmony Day! It was wonderful to see so many of our senior students embrace their cultures or support others and their heritage. 

Our mixed age rotations were a fantastic way to bring different year levels together and enjoy learning about other cultures through food, dance, games and reflection.


World Maths Day occurred on Monday 25th March! To celebrate this day, we again split into multi-age groups across the school and participated in various Maths activities run by each of the teachers. The purpose of the day is to celebrate the enjoyment of Maths and the fun we can get out of engaging in different topics in different ways!


On the second last day of the term, everyone attended the excursion to the Cardinia Cultural Centre to explore the Digital Indigenous Art Exhibition. Students were immersed in the 'Walking through a Songline’ digital installation and thoroughly enjoyed the experience!