Junior School

Prep AA  1/2PB  1/2NP

So far in Prep AA: 

We have had an amazing last three weeks of term one, we cannot believe that time has gone so fast for us. 

I would love to list some of the learning we have already moved through: 

  • 14 Letters with both sounds and formation. 
  • Beginning to blend and segment letter sounds to read words. 
  • Numbers from 0-10, both writing and understanding this number. Understanding short and long periods of time, days of the week and important events. 
  • Narrative texts, characters and setting. 
  • Past and Present and family histories. 
  • Learning the routines of school, excursions and whole school events. 
  • Engaging with ICT educational applications. (Mathseeds and fast phonics) 

In term one, Prep AA has tried their absolute hardest and come in every day ready to learn. I am so proud and am excited that they get a well-deserved break. 


Below are some beautiful photos we have taken this term, we are hoping you all like them! Wishing you all the best for the school holidays and we will see you back for Term Two on the 15th of April, Miss A and Jacqui. 



1/2 PB AND NP. 

We have made it to the end of the term and what a fabulous term it was!

In reading, we finished up the term looking at how illustrations support or contradict the text in stories. We made lots of mini books to practice drawing pictures to support a text. In writing, we worked really hard to publish our narrative story. In maths, we looked at reading analogue time. Although this can be a tricky skill to learn the kids have done a fantastic job and many are becoming confident in reading o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. In history, we have been looking at Aboriginal History, we learnt about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags, we investigated Dreamtime Stories and finished looking at Indigenous Art. We even made our own Indigenous inspired Easter Eggs. 



We celebrated Harmony Day on the 21st of March. Students got to participate in puzzle making, cultural dance and games, and making noodles. It was such a fun day where so many of us were dressed up in their cultural clothes or orange to represent Harmony Day. We also celebrated Maths Day on the 25th where we participated in some fun maths rotations with kids from all different year levels. We finished our term with our Easter Parade, it was amazing to see all the marvellous Easter bonnets. 



On behalf of the ½ team, we would like to wish you all a safe and happy Easter holiday and we look forward to seeing you again next term.



Best wishes from Phoebe, Nicole, Jeanette, Shannon and Carol.