Our Values Awards.

Values Awards for Week 7 of Term 1 were awarded at assembly on 15 March:

FBHeidi SFor all your amazing work this week! I am so proud of you. Keep it up!!
FHSophie AFor the wonderful effort you have put into all your writing this week. You're a superstar!
FNDilek HFor being very careful with her letter formation and listening politely to the teacher. Great work Dilek!
FDLeila AFor always sharing her wonderful thoughts and ideas with the class. You're a superstar! 
FWBilly CFor challenging himself in his writing and always trying to extend himself.
1PVivian FFor working well with others, sharing her ideas and listening to learn. You are a superstar!
1SJacob SFor showing great resilience, and not letting a broken finger stop him from completing all tasks to the best of his ability! Amazing Jacob!
1WAiya AFor her excellent start and focus on her recount. Great effort Aiya, keep up the good work!
2CCharlotte KFor always working hard and showing persistence in the classroom. Great work!
2GArchie CFor your terrific effort and focus when planning and writing our class recount this week. Well done Archie!
2GAlana KFor your amazing effort to have a go at all activities and always striving to do your best work. Well done Alana!
2TEvie SFor working hard to include lots of detail in her recount writing piece this week. Well done Evie!
2WEvie GFor your excellent specialist recount with a clear plan and accurate writing features. Well done Evie!
3BGeorgia TFor her active participation in word study this week! Awesome work Georgia!
3BEmily AFor her amazing effort during writing sessions this week. Well done Emily!
3HTayla FFor an outstanding effort to finish in the top 10 of their cross country race today!
3HArcher KFor an outstanding effort to finish in the top 10 of their cross country race today!
3JJessie VFor always displaying a positive attitude towards all school activities. Keep smiling!
3MDante MFor using feedback effectively to include more descriptive language in his writing.
3MElla MFor demonstrating resilience and being a supportive and helpful class member.
4BZali FFor her insightful and interesting responses shown throughout our reading sessions.
4DHugo SFor being the BEST version of you! You should be very proud of yourself Hugo, well done!
4PGrace O’BFor being an active learner in class, listening to feedback & trying your best. Well done.
4SAndi IFor her wonderful enthusiasm towards SRC and being such a star daily.
5BMaggie RFor her consistent dedication to learning and striving towards excellence in all that she does.
5BJett SFor his kindness, respect, and consideration towards others, making him a positive role model in our class.
5GAnnabelle M        For her well detailed written responses to questioning during comprehension tasks. Well Done! 
5HRogan RFor being a kind, caring and considerate member of the classroom. Well done Rogan! 
5OJay SFor showing initiative and contributing inquisitively to classroom discussions. 
6BRuby BFor being an active participant during literacy sessions and approaching all tasks with a positive attitude.
6JJude HFor putting in a super effort to write a very convincing persuasive argument about Portugal. 
6MAkira SFor having a positive attitude towards all areas of his learning and displaying exemplary behaviour. Well done Akira! 
6RMeg CFor always being a kind and respectful member of the class, and always putting 100% effort into all tasks!
6UKenzie CFor always being a respectful and considerate student and collaborating well when working with others.

Values Awards for Week 8 of Term 1 were awarded at assembly on 22 March:

FBLeo FFor the kindness you show others and your happy upbeat energy.
FHJensen YFor your entertaining and enthusiastic Show & Tell presentation. Super work Jensen! 
FNMax FFor working so hard to write his recount and drawing a great picture to match. Super work Max!
FWMilo CFor coming into the classroom with a positive attitude and completing his responsibilities. 
1PScarlett DFor always being a great working partner for her classmates, sharing ideas and listening to others. Great work Scarlett. 
1SMaddie MFor making a fabulous start on her birthday memory recount! Beautiful neat writing and great detail Maddie, I can't wait to read more!
1WAlex JFor always being responsible for her belongings and her learning. Great job Alex!
2CThea PFor taking on feedback during Maths and using a new strategy to help her be successful when solving problems. Well done Thea!
2GSiara RFor using beautiful manners on our excursion. Well done Siara!
2GLucas KFor helping others on our excursion. Well done Lucas!
2TEvie LFor contributing thoughtful answers to questions asked on our excursion to Moonlit Sanctuary.
2WHunter JFor your accurate and thoughtful contributions to discussions while on our excursion to Moonlit Sanctuary.
3BSavanna SFor her awesome effort and resilience during NAPLAN this week. Proud of you Savanna!
3HRuby HFor being a quiet achiever who is respectful of her peers and demonstrates integrity.
3JJoseph HFor always being ready to learn in maths and working carefully to ensure accuracy. 
3MAlannah HFor her fantastic effort to include descriptive language, along with accurate spelling and punctuation, in her writing pieces this term.
4BOliver MFor his insightful knowledge shown in his responses during our 'convicts' reading sessions.
4DIsla DFor always being organised, responsible and always polite to everyone! You are a star!
4DPeyton CFor being a smiley, polite and hardworking student. Well done Peyton, keep it up and Happy birthday!
4PJacqueline BFor using your explorer research to write detailed and descriptive sentences for your information report.
4PBlake MFor working on your SMART goal of adding more tier 2 words to your writing. Great work Blake.
4SMichael GFor your incredible work ethic and extremely high quality responses during our reading unit.
5BLucas HFor his focus in lessons and dedication to produce his best work!
5BHolly CFor making new people feel welcome in the classroom with her bubbly and friendly nature!
5GChloe CFor actively responding to feedback in a positive manner. Awesome Job!
5HMaya SFor her positive attitude and for giving her best effort during all activities. Congratulations Maya! 
5OAbby WFor demonstrating excellence in the classroom and having a positive attitude towards learning.
6BJacob MFor demonstrating resilience in the classroom and consistently working to the best of his abilities.
6JAdi RFor always being responsible, respectful and demonstrating excellence in everything that you do
6MWill HFor always bringing a brilliant attitude to his learning and having a wonderful work ethic. Well done Will! 
6RHarry SFor demonstrating responsibility toward his learning, a good work ethic, and a desire to complete all work to a high standard. 
6UBen CFor his excellent effort in completing a well-structured and compelling persuasive writing piece on Japan.

Values Awards for Week 9 of Term 1 were awarded at assembly on 28 March:

FBQuinn McMFor your awesome listening and respectful behaviour. You are amazing Quinn!!
FDSamuel B-WFor being a kind and inclusive friend in FD! Super work Samuel!
FHIsabel KFor the outstanding effort you have put into writing this term. You have come so far and I am so proud of you! 
FNHarriet DFor having a can-do attitude and always trying her best. Congratulations on a super term 1 Harriet!
FWHarlow RFor always listening politely on the floor and taking her time to write neatly on the lines. You're a superstar!
1PFinn LFor working very hard and making a fantastic start on his recount writing. Well done Finn! 
1SOlvia MFor displaying an amazing attitude towards school and learning, and her excellent improvements in Red Flag spelling! 
1WLiana PFor her continual focus on improving her writing this term. Great effort Liana!
2CFox HFor creating a wonderful diorama that included a range of animals and plants from a desert habitat. Well done Fox!
2CArnold LFor being a problem solver when faced with a challenge while creating his diorama. Well don Arnie!
2GArthur JFor participating so enthusiastically to our inquiry topic this term. Well done Arthur!
2TTed MFor working hard to create a brilliant rainforest habitat diorama. Well done Ted!
2WMaja HFor contributing regularly to class discussions and showing resilience when faced with tricky questions.
2WLayla WFor her brilliant effort shown while creating her polar habitat diorama. Well done Layla!
3BMaggie AFor being a helpful team member building 'smore' ovens. Great work Maggie!
3BAlex StCFor putting his best effort forward in all Literacy tasks. Way to go Alex!
3HSamuel McC      For an excellent effort throughout this week.
3JDustin SFor a super effort writing his persuasive text about Earth. Well done! 
3MEmilia SFor including topic sentences and supporting details in her persuasive text about caring for Earth.
4BMaya CFor always being kind and respectful and for getting the most out of all learning opportunities.
4DOlivia Sfor your consistently resilient approach to all learning tasks. Well done Olivia!
4DNaveen SFor having a really wonderful term. Keep making good choices Naveen!
4PDomenika R     For showing a positive attitude to learning this term and for always trying your best in class.
4SLucas GFor showing so much improvement in his information report writing. Well done Lucas!
4SJye MFor achieving his writing goal and showing so much improvement. Super effort Jye
5BCharlie PFor showing initiative and helping others finish their projects without being asked. Very kind, Charlie.
5BLeo BFor demonstrating excellent listening and manners to the student teacher every day. Very impressive, Leo.
5GErica M For her well written persuasive pieces and use of persuasive strategies to persuade the reader. Well Done!
5HMax W For following instructions, showing initiative and working to the best of his ability. Well done! 
5ORicky C for showing a positive attitude towards learning and working well with his peers.
6BBillie S For always working to the best of her abilities and getting along with her peers and teachers.
6JKade C For showing awesome improvement and growth throughout our persuasive writing unit.
6MRyusei O For your brilliant attitude to learning and wonderful work ethic towards all activities. Well done Ryusei! 
6RJames K For being a kind and respectful student who approaches tasks with a growth mindset and positive attitude.
6RGeorgie W For trying her best with her writing tasks and demonstrating great improvement in her persuasive writing skills.
6ULucas H For completing all homework tasks throughout Term 1 to a very good standard.