School News

Assembly Award Winners

Congratulation to our Award winners for this week.


Social Skills Awards

Zara C, Hudson B, Roy L, Sienna M, Patrick C, Hailey W, Oliver D, James B, Zac T, Alexis P

Merit Awards

Leon J, Charlotte L, William G, Leo F, Emily B, Phoebe C, Gabby W, Lars R



As a whole school community we will gather together to participate in the OHR Memorial Service on Wednesday 24th April at 2.30pm.   We warmly welcome all parents and extended family members to join us in the hall.  

We are looking for community involvement and would love to hear from anyone who might be interested in assisting on the day.  We are looking for a parent (or family member), who would be willing to speak to the students about the importance of remembering those who have served in war and the values we can learn from service men and women. (About 5 minutes).  Whilst a current or past service member would be ideal, this is not a prerequisite.

Also, we would like a parent or family member to read the oath of remembrance at the memorial service.  Any parent/s who could make a large rosemary wreath for the day would be most appreciated. This wreath will also be used at the Surrey Hills Dawn Service on Anzac Day where our school leaders will be participating.

Students are invited to bring any family memorabilia, (photos, medals, uniform pieces etc), to school on the day to place at the front of the hall if they wish.  Any family member can also place memorabilia at the front just prior to the commencement of our service.

Please email to let me know if you can help at the OHR ANZAC DAY Memorial Service before March 27th. (Next Wednesday)


Thanking you,

Lisa Canty