Can you believe it's Easter already?

The HT P&F AGM was held earlier in the month and it was great to see some new faces and sad to say goodbye to those moving on. It was great to get an insight into this year's theme of ‘Uplifting Thought’ delivered by Shan Christensen in the Principals report.


Hot Cross Buns

Thank you to all families who supported our Hot Cross Bun Drive. There were 197 packs ordered and handed out on Tuesday afternoon. There were a few left behind that still hadn’t been picked up - we will be freezing any leftovers. We teamed up again with Emerald Village Bakery and these Hot Cross Buns are 2nd to none. We will work out the final funds raised soon and allocate them at the next meeting.


Last Years Funds

I mentioned in the last Bulletin that we had some funds left from last year to allocate. I am pleased to announce we decided to help fund new curtains for the music department. They always help make our events so cheerful with their music and it was a pleasure to be able to give something back to them. 


Upcoming Events

Next term we have the Mother’s Day Brekkie in the Junior School - we will open orders for this early in the new term. Last year we donated all funds to the Breast Cancer Foundation. Everything must be preordered, there will be no sales on the day. This saves any wastage and allows for more funds to be donated. The Honey Drive will run again and we are also in the process of organising a Movie Night. We will be taking over a cinema at Pinewood and running Junior and Senior School movies, so keep an eye out for announcements on these.

Mr Justin Rulton

P&F President