Around the Grounds

Duke of Ed

As part of the Year 10 residential program, 42 students in Year 10 were able to complete their “Adventurous Journey” part of their Duke of Edinburgh International Award. This award, which consists of 3 different levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold going for 3,6 and 12 months respectively, is internationally recognised, which we at Huntingtower are fortunate enough to participate in. 


Part of this Adventurous Journey allowed us to partake in many thrill-seeking activities, such as mountain biking, sailing, hiking, canoeing, wood chopping and much more. It allowed us to challenge both our physical and mental limitations, as we went on 6 hours hikes or abseiled down a boulder for the first time. This in turn fit with the Residential Programs aim of “challenge by choice” as we completed tasks that were initially unfamiliar, but nonetheless fun and rewarding. 


Students undertaking this award also slept in tents at Nillahcootie, where we got to see beautiful constellations and a following sunrise before leaving for an 18km hike to Charnwood. Overall, the Duke of Ed program is a fun and rewarding experience that allows you to step outside of your comfort zone, enjoy picturesque views and develop many new skills and relationships along the way.

Photo by Lin W (Year 10)
Photo by Lin W (Year 10)

(Photo taken by Lin W (Year 10) of Lake Nillahcootie at sunrise.)

Grace T

Year 10 Student

Planting with Prep

Sport & Recreation at Junior Athletics

Year 10 Sport and Recreation students assisted in running all track and field events for the Junior School Athletics Carnival as part of their practical assessments - providing quality service and coaching students. The day concluded with a friendly relay against Year 6 students.

Ms Julieanne Douglas

VCE VET Sport and Recreation Teacher

Year 8 & 10 Geography Excursions

A wonderful week of Geography in action out in the field!


Our Year 8 students travelled to Half Moon Bay Beach to conduct fieldwork. They were able to identify and document evidence of abrasion, hydraulic action and cliff collapse when examining coastal erosion. They also threw oranges, lemons and tennis balls into the water to calculate the rate and direction of sediment movement along the shore (Long Shore Drift). Finally, they were able to identify examples of coastal management and better understand the need to manage and protect our coastal environments.


Our Year 10 students travelled by train and tram to the Formula One at Albert Park where they were able to examine the social, economic and environmental impacts of the Formula One on Melbourne and Victoria. Apart from the thrill of the roaring F1 cars, and the throngs of excited fans, they were able to experience firsthand the amazing effort that goes into transforming Albert Park into a premier motor racing circuit. They were also able to get a sense of how the F1 fits into Victoria’s ‘major events’ tourism strategy.

Mr Rodney Jones

Geography Teacher & Chess Coordinator

Prep-Year 2 Sports Fun Morning

Another Year of Naplan DONE!

Year 3 and Year 5 students came together to decorate biscuits in celebration of NAPLAN being complete for another year!

Grand Finals in Action


The Year 9 Triathlon was not just about swimming the distance, cycling mindlessly around the track, and defeating the run, it was about the mental strength, pushing beyond comfort zones, and crossing that finish line with a sense of great accomplishment. The moto of the day – “effort and attitude will define your success” and this year’s Year 9 group were more than successful. Despite the impending storm brewing overhead, with dark, swirling clouds threatening to drench us from mid-morning onward, we managed to forge on, 6 great events spanned across the day. With parent support along the entire course and our Buddy System for each competitor ensuring no one was left behind, they managed to realise our potential and succeed in more ways than one. 


The students ought to be very proud of themselves and the work they put in in the lead up to the event. There were two times swim sessions every week, bike rides along Scotchman’s Creek Trail and the nightmare Regent Street hill to tackle, and dreaded hill sprint sessions. They were prepped and raring to go, feeling fit and looking fierce. 


But their physical fitness was not all that was on display, harnessing the power of the mind and the breath, they got the job done. It was a great day full of smiles and encouragement, cheers, and triumphs. A truly memorable day that was the highlight of the Term. A huge thanks to the mentors, Mrs Chrissy Collins, Mr Greg Hellard, Mrs Nicole Demasi, and Mr Brian Pearce for all their support and guidance throughout the term, and a huge congratulations to all the students. They should all be proud of their efforts.

Mr Raz Sappideen

Year 9 Coordinator

Crazy Hair Day

This term the Junior School Council (JSC) Representatives organised a 'crazy hair', icy pole and lunch games fundraiser for the Make A Wish Foundation. Students had a wonderful day participating in all the JSC activities and over $260 was raised for the cause. Well done to the Term 1 JSC representatives for organising a fun day to raise funds for an important charity. 

Ms Katrina Watson & Ms Cathy Bateman

Junior School Council Coordinators

Food Glorious Food

It's been another bustling week of culinary excitement in the Foods Department.


Our Year 7 students delighted in baking their own Jacket Potatoes with Vibrant Coleslaw, a truly delicious endeavour. The Year 8s crafted a traditional Shepherd's Pie with a golden mash topping, possibly a new family favourite if it isn't already? They also whipped up Hot Cross Bruffins, a delightful fusion of a muffin and a Hot Cross Bun. Our Year 9s showcased their creativity by designing their own Focaccias, featuring colourful garden designs, football logos, and even a peacock.


In the Year 10 class, a High Tea is in the works, with students practicing making Powder Puffs, Easter Egg Nests, and other delightful treats. As for our Year 12 Foodies, they dove into the world of pre and probiotics, exploring the role of the gut in physical and mental health. They wrapped up their week with a colourful Prebiotic and Probiotic Salad Bowl that was enjoyed by all.


We hope everyone will find joy in the kitchen these holidays. Happy cooking!

Mrs Chrissy Collins & Mrs Jayne Dickson

Food Technology Department

Year 9 Activities Week

As Year 9 students, the Aquathon was a truly exhilarating and salty experience, filled with joy and anticipation that permeated the atmosphere of our cohort. From the moment we arrived at the beach, it marked the start of a thrilling yet challenging day. Throughout the event, we engaged in a series of group-rotational activities, including a 3km Beach Run along the coast of Port Melbourne, Swim Entry techniques, and the 300m Open Water Swim.


We kicked off with a 3km run, offering us a chance to enjoy the sunlit weather along the coast while pushing our bodies to the limits. Pounding against the sand, we then transitioned to our Swim Entry activity, which covered basic ocean swimming techniques such as reading wave conditions and executing correct dolphin dives. Finally, we concluded with the 300m swim course. Standing at the water's edge, we navigated around set obstacles in the ocean, testing our physical endurance and mental fortitude.


Moreover, during a small period of free time, we decided to group up and enjoy a friendly game of beach volleyball. Reflecting on that day, on behalf of the Year 9s, the activities we completed and the moments we shared proved to be a perfect blend of fun and challenging, making the Aquathon a truly memorable event for all.


Kaushan A & Varun S

Year 9 Students