Community News

Bayside School Holiday Program
Safer Cycling for Students
To provide a safer cycling experience for riders, particularly school children making their way to and from school, Council is proposing to implement no stopping restrictions (no parking) at specific times on Balcombe Road between Reserve and Charman Roads (excluding the angle parking at Seaview shops).
The new restrictions will provide a clear bike path along Balcombe Road so that children do not need to weave in and out of traffic to avoid parked cars. The times proposed are targeted around busy school commuting hours.
Have your say link (closes 26 March) -
Balcombe Road proposed no stopping restrictions | Have Your Say - Bayside City Council
From Mentone Girls' Secondary College
Dear Year 6 Parents/Carers,
Mentone Girls’ Secondary College is pleased to share details of our 2024 Information Night for prospective families considering Year 7 placement in coming years.
It will be held in term 2.
Student-led ‘Show & Tell’ information night
7pm, Tuesday 23 April in the MGSC gym
No bookings are required
Families are also encouraged to visit the school on a typical day by Booking a tour through our website.
Sandringham College
Sandringham College Open Night for Year 5 & 6 students.
Our registration link is
Levelling the playing field for all with Bayside’s new Fair Access Policy & Action Plan
I’m Aimee White, Recreation Planner at Bayside City Council, and I’m excited to be leading the Community Engagement for our Fair Access Policy and Action Plan over the next few weeks. We would help support this incredible initiative to advocate for gender equity and change in sport and active recreation. This will be relevant for all staff and students and the broader school community.
For more information please click on this link:
The consultation period closes 21 April 2024.
Thank you,