NBC Alumni

Hello from Alumni,


In a recent alumni career panel, a student asked an alum if he had a role model, during his time at Northern Bay College. 

The alumni said he did, in the form of one of his teachers. The teacher helped expand his horizons and encouraged him to go to university, which he currently attends.

This is another benefit of running an alumni program, our educators can hopefully see the impact they have on students and reconnecting with alumni can give a sense of pride and validation for a teacher’s (sometime thankless) work.

Below is what we have been up to in Term 4. 


VM Panel

VM, formerly VCAL, is all about practical work-related skills, and nothing ties in better with this, than bringing in relatable role models, who all work in relevant industries to speak to our students. 

In November our lovely alumni VM panel generously gave up their time to come and chat about school days, post-school life and career paths. Spanning Sport and Rec, Trade, and Childcare our students had lots of questions to ask.


Thank you to:

David Bartlett, (Operations Manager)

Makayla Lamont, (Assistant Manager Childcare)

Zackary Knott, (Sport & Recreation Leader)

Sarah Albon, (Manager Community Experience City of Greater Geelong)


Young Alumni Board 

Since I began in the alumni role, working alongside NBC’s leadership group, we have been thinking about how to extend our school community beyond the school gate. 

With that goal in mind, we are pleased to introduce our Young Alumni Board. A group of our young alumni, all keen to give back to the school, and help shape the school for future students.

Our first meeting, held in November, had an excellent turnout, with a great discussion around ideas to help the school. 

We look forward to 2024 and the energy and ideas this group can generate.



So you've decided what you want to study in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths), but what will you learn in your course? How does HECS work? Can you get there through TAFE? How do you learn about University scholarships?

We covered all this and more, in our Friday STEAM Alumni panel with Year 9's and 10's studying science and related subjects.

We are extremely grateful to our alumni now studying in STEAM fields for taking the time to be a part of the panel and answer student questions afterwards.

A big thanks to:

  • Jonny Kelly (Bachelor of Engineering, Civil)
  • Kamran Jaan (Bachelor of Biomedicine)
  • Ty Gilson (Bachelor of Science, Mathematics & Statistics)
  • Liam Jones (Bachelor of Biomedicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences)


Thank You 

Thank you for your support of our alumni program, we feel really privileged to work on this program in Northern Bay College. 

In its most basic form, the alumni program is bringing in ex-students back to their school, but it’s so much more. It grows school and community pride, and gives our current students aspirational, and inspirational role models.


Alumni Coordinator

Keep in touch

To follow the Alumni program, please join us on one of the below channels, and if you know of any Alumni who would like to join our database, we’d love to hear from them. 

Email: alumni@nbc.vic.edu.au.

Alumni Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/Northern-Bay-College-and-Schools-Alumni-108962595081117/

LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12642026/

You can also follow us through our NewsletterLINK.