French Programs

Sophie Oldfield

What’s happening in our French classrooms? 


The finals for the AHS Compétition de conversation Généraletook place this week. During this competition, students in Year 7 were required to speak for 2 minutes, 3 minutes in Year 8, 4 minutes in Year 9 and 5 minutes in Year 10 and 11, and were assessed on three criteria: content & comprehension, accuracy & range, pronunciation & intonation. 

Félicitations to our 2023 winners:

Our Year 7 French Language students finished the 2023 academic year playing a typical French card game “Le jeu des 7 familles” or "Go fish". This was the perfect opportunity to practise their speaking skills and their vocabulary of the family. 








In Year 8, French Language & Partial Immersion students participated in a cultural workshop on French cheeses! Students first learnt about the different types of cheeses and how to cut cheese according to French very strict rules! They were also given a live demonstration by Madame Papon on how to make cheese from milk. At the end of the presentation, students were then able to taste a variety of cheeses including le bleu, le Brie, le Comté et le chèvre. For some students, this was their first time tasting cheese other than Cheddar or Tasty! “C’est délicieux!” was often their response! 



Finally, our 2024 Year 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 French students have started their Headstart Program! They got to meet their new peers and their new teacher of French! Ouh, là, là! Bonne chance à tous!