From the Principal

Ross Pritchard









Dear Parents, Students, and Staff,


As we approach the end of the academic year, it's with great pleasure that I extend my heartfelt congratulations to our senior students who have successfully completed their final VCAA exams. This milestone marks the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. In four weeks the results will be available and for our Year 12 students they will be clearer about what is next. In the meantime, we wish them a safe and happy time as they get used to life without bells.


I encourage our Year 9, 10, and 11 students to take a moment to reflect on their exam preparation and techniques. Many of the students experienced an intensive exam period for the first time and it is essential that they embrace the invaluable feedback provided by teachers. Auburn High’s dedicated educators must be acknowledged for their tireless efforts in correcting exams and providing constructive feedback. Their commitment to nurturing our students' academic progress is truly commendable. Exams are a valuable tool for assessing learning, but also assessing for learning. Experiences this year will assist in future years.


A special commendation is due to our incredibly talented Art faculty for orchestrating the spectacular Array visual art and design exhibition. Coordinated by Sarah McCrum, the team created a wonderful exhibition highlighting the talent and creativity displayed by our students. With over 200 students represented, and over 250 audience members, this event is growing in stature each year. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication staff and students pour into their craft. I, along with the school community am incredibly proud of their achievements.


Opportunities for parent engagement and family connections with Auburn continue to expand. Our recent Time and Space family night was a resounding success. Witnessing Year 10 students and their parents come together to share treasures and set up pathways for continued family communication throughout the senior school years was heartwarming. Parents provided some wonderful feedback and the students who attended will be part of next year’s programs as leaders.


This week, I am thrilled to welcome students to the Head Start program, offering a sneak peek into the exciting opportunities awaiting them in 2024. This program is designed to provide a taste of next year's curriculum, allowing students to engage with new subjects and gain insights into the academic journey that lies ahead.


The next few weeks will see many chances to celebrate the achievements, learning, and growth that have taken place within our school community. Each accomplishment, big or small, contributes to the collective success and spirit of Auburn High School. It is a positive time of the year and thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to the vibrant and enriching learning environment our students enjoy.


Until next time.


Ross Pritchard
