Student Acknowledgements & Birthdays



The Sacred Heart School Vision Statement and Philosophy speaks of creating a Catholic faith community that, with Jesus as our model, promotes tolerance, compassion, equality, justice and joy in each other’s presence. As educators, we look for and celebrate these qualities, dispositions and character traits to acknowledge these in others. 


Prep AStella VolpeFor the amazing writing she has produced this term. Stella, your effort and hard work is showing in the beautiful .sentences you are creating each day during our writing sessions. I am very impressed and so proud of you gorgeous girl.  Prep COlivia KennedyFor the incredible writing you are producing this term. I have absolutely loved reading your detailed recounts about your weekend and it has been great to see you so proud of what you have written. Keep up the fabulous effort Liv!
Cali McCarthyFor the beautiful expression you put into your reading. Cali, l really love listening to you read using your voice appropriately for the different characters in the story. It is an absolute joy!Isabella HickFor following the design process of 'I plan' 'I create' with enthusiasm and focus. I have enjoyed watching you plan and create a dog with skewers and cardboard and make a flower with clay. You are taking risks and trying your hardest when you are faced with small challenges. What a superstar you are!
Year 1BChantelle GusmanFor the amazing writing you have produced this term Chantelle. I love how you have started to sound out the beginning and ending sounds in tricky words. I also love how neat your writing has become. You have put in so much extra effort. Well done Super star!!Year 1NIsaac IvancicFor always showing 'whole body listening on the floor. I love that you are always one of the first students ready to learn. Well done! Keep it up Isaac!
Theodore HeriotFor working so hard inside and outside of school to extend your thinking. I love to see you challenge yourself and show off your new skills when writing recounts and solving maths riddles. Well done and keep it up Teddy!Hunter MollicaFor being an active participant in our new fluency powerpoint. I love that you are working so hard to sound out new words, as well as be a role model for your fellow classmates! Its wonderful to see. Keep it up!  
Year 2AKavi ShettyFor showing great enthusiasm and energy towards your learning in the classroom. It has been wonderful to see. Keep it up.Year 2VLola BrownFor the enthusiasm that you bring to class discussions and for working well with peers in the classroom. Well done on always contributing your amazing ideas and for working with your peers collaboratively.
Jack SmaragdasFor being an active listener during learning time and regularly displaying our Ways of Being Together Owen MayneFor being an active learner in all learning areas and for working with all of your peers in a respectful manner. I am very proud of you for always staying on task and for treating your peers with respect during group activities. We are so lucky to have you in 2V Owen!
Year 3BDAsimina ZervasFor being an encouraging and friendly member of our Year 3 community while on camp. Your efforts to care for and show support to your peers was admirable. Thanks for being a good sport!  Year 3CHarry McAuliffeFor your courage and resilience when stepping out of your comfort zone and engaging in camp. It is so lovely to see you enjoying the most out of the camp and having fun! Can't wait for next year's camp.
Harrison Ainge For your incredible resilience and perseverance while on Year 3 Camp. Your ability to overcome challenges is to be commended. We are so proud of you Harrison! Lily WallFor your active engagement and positive attitude towards camp. Your 'have-a-go' mindset is something that we should all learn from. I love seeing your personality shine!
Year 4KRFadel ElmaoulaFor working hard to become an active learner by asking questions and listening. Your work is reflecting the effort you have put in. Well done!Year 4MMason MaFor being an excellent designer during our inquiry session. Your drawing is artistic, and I can tell from your drawing you can invent something to make want to make the Queen Victoria Market a better place.
Lenny GreenhamFor your ability to self reflect on your work habits, then make adjustments so you can focus on your work. Olive ZhengFor working hard in literacy and numeracy. I can see you tried your best in writing the persuasive text. I like the way you plan your writing in a neatly way.You collaborate with your friends to measure the objects, working out maths problems. Welldone!
Year 5EJames McAuliffeFor the enthusiasm you showed during our excursion to the Newport Railway Museum. You listened attentively and respectfully and asked questions that provoked insightful discussions. Well done! Year 5KLuke ByrneFor the wonderful focus and the dedication you have shown to improving your learning. It has been wonderful to see you challenge and extend yourself to such a great extent. You are a wonderful role model to your peers. 
Madison MaladyFor representing our school with pride during the Surf Life Saving program. You listened attentively and were actively engaged. Well done! Elsie McManusFor consistently demonstrating our Ways of Being Together at Sacred Heart. You always treat all members of our school community with kindness and respect and I have loved watching you become more confident with your learning. You are such a star and we are lucky to have you Elsie!
Year 6AAmelia WilliamsFor working collaboratively with your group during Inquiry this term. You confidently share your ideas and show perseverance when building your prototypes. Well done Amelia.Year 6KBailey HollandFor being an active learner during literacy focus groups and class discussions. Your contributions and ideas are so valuable and support everyone with their learning. Keep up the great work Bailey!
Paige HabnerFor consistently demonstrating our Ways of Being Together. Well done for being an active learner and always working hard in class. You are such a wonderful role model to all students at Sacred Heart. Well done Paige. Henry WardFor demonstrating our Ways of Being Together. You listen and accept feedback with a positive and mature attitude! It is wonderful to see you be a wonderful role model for you peers! Well done Henry!




Happy Birthday to our students who have celebrated a birthday in the past fortnight.



Harry Wierzbicki 

Natalie Biddlecomb 

17th November

21st November

Year 1   
Year 2  
Year 3

Harrison Ainge

Ivy McEwan 19/11/2023

14th November 

19th November

Year 4

Will Kennedy

Levi Scolaro

Isabella Agius 

20th November

29th November

1st December

Year 5

Assia Ismail 

Elisha Farrugia

Patrick Donovan 

6th December

18th November

7th November

Year 6 

Angus Boonzayer

Charles Daffy

Mia Meilak 

19th November

25th November

8th November



We hope you had a wonderful birthday!!