School Calendar
Here are some important diary dates for you to put in your Calendar:
Term 4
- Tuesday 12th & Thursday 14th December- Grades 1-6 transition
- Friday 15th December - 2023 Final School Assembly @ 2.40pm
- Wednesday 20th December - Last day of Term 4 - students dismissed at 1.30pm
Term 1, 2024
- Monday 29th January - Student Free Day - Uniform Shop Open - 12.00pm - 3.00pm
- Tuesday 30th January - Student Free Day - Uniform Shop Open - 8.30am - 10.30am
- Wednesday 31st January - Grades 1 - 6 commence, Prep 15 minute Meet the Teacher sessions
- Thursday 1st February - Prep students first day, PFA Coffee and Cry at 9.00am (staffroom)
- Friday 2nd February - House Swimming Carnival - 9.30am - 12.30pm - WaterMarc
Please see the TPPS Community Calendar below.