F-4 Community News

F-4 End of Year Celebration Day

Year 2 Sleepover

What an amazing time students had at the Year 2 sleepover.

We began by decorating biscuits for our afternoon tea before heading home from school for a snack and a shower and returning at 6pm to set up our beds and farewell our families for the night.


Our adventure began in the Brigidine Centre, where we lay out our bedding and excitedly said goodbye to our families before heading out to enjoy the oval and playground all to ourselves!

A delicious dinner of pizza, hot chips and icy poles filled our hungry tummies before we changed and went on a night walk to explore the school by darkness. Miss Emmett was our super cool tour guide and luckily kept a strange and sneaky school possum (AKA Mr Campbell) at bay!

We had a quick supper before settling into our beds to watch a movie and slip off to the land of nod.


Before we knew it, the birds were chirping and the sun was up! Time to roll up our sleeping bags and have some breaky ready to start the day!

The Years 1s were excited to see us when they arrived at school and we enjoyed making our sandwiches from the super sandwich bar before feasting on our decorated biscuits and other snacks on the deck for morning tea.


Our sleepover was made even more special as on Friday we got to celebrate our SOLE Diversity day with cupcakes and a colour run. What a sensational two days we had at St Augustines!  We all enjoyed our sleep over at school experience and can recommend it to the Year 2s of 2024!

Years 3 and 4 Market Day

Last Thursday, our Years 3/4 space, Kildare, was abuzz with excitement. The big day had finally arrived. The culmination of the Years 3 and 4 students hard work in Term 3 would finally come to fruition and they could hardly wait to greet everyone. 


In Term 3 for our Inquiry Unit, students had the chance to be creative and explore how to design, create and sell a product to the public. Within our unit we learnt all about some of the following things:

  • What a market is 
  • What businesses or individuals sell at a market
  • What children and adults like to buy
  • How to budget for, price and cost a product
  • How to advertise a product with elements of persuasion and marketing techniques

Together, students worked in small groups to think about products they would like to make, as well as how they wanted their final product to look. To decide on the types of products students would make, we all researched products we thought would be appropriate to sell to children and then we took a vote together on our favourite products. In the end we decided on making bath salts, pet rocks, pot plants, slime and Christmas decorations. After that was decided, the fun of costing, pricing, making and advertising began. 


On top of all of that, we also asked our lovely F-4 and wider community if they would be willing to donate any second-hand toys or books that were no longer needed and boy, did they deliver! On the day we also had a guess the lollies in the jar, as well as a raffle with gifts kindly provided from within our local town. Our winners were very excited. 


On the whole, our Years 3 and 4 Market Day was a huge success, with the majority of students selling out of their products very quickly. It was wonderful to see the smiles and happy faces of our students with all who came, enjoying the day. The 3/4 teachers and students would like to whole-heartedly thank everyone who helped and the support and kindness shown by all. It really made our day and we were so happy to have you all come in for a visit and check out our beautiful new building as well. All of the money made will be going to the K-Mart Wishing Tree Christmas Appeal.