Cocurricular News

St George’s Tour

Charlie Hill (Year Nine)

Last week, ten lucky students boarded the mini-bus to travel to Perth to attend the St Goerge’s Tour. St George’s College is a residential boarding facility located next to the UWA campus in Perth. After counting down the countless minutes it took to arrive at the college, we finally arrived. Everyone was amazed at how the college looked and excited for what a week we have coming up! The first two days were filled with icebreaker games and activities to start making new friends with everyone from the three schools. Throughout the week we were placed in smaller groups where we mixed with other schools to compete in challenges to win the most points by the end of the week. We got to visit and tour some amazing places like the UWA campus, Fremantle Prison, The District Court of Western Australia and the Western Australian Museum. No one was left hungry, with amazing food every day by the amazing kitchen staff. On our last night, we got to dress up and take photos out the front of the chapel and the quad for the formal dinner. In the dining hall, we got to enjoy an amazing three course dinner and musical performances, which everyone enjoyed. At the end of the night, some people received some awards like Chaz and Flynn's 'best couple' award and my 'most wholesome' award. On our last day, we had our final breakfast and said our goodbyes to everyone. The mentors who guided us during the week were an amazing team of current St George's students who helped support us and ensured that their team would win. The camp was such an amazing opportunity and I wish I could go again. I would like to thank Mr Emberson and May for being with us on the trip and ensuring we had a great time.


Mr Ian Robson | Head of Cocurricular