Primary School

Christmas festivities filled our final two days in Primary School. On Monday, our Year Ones ably presented the nativity story to the school with the help of our Year Six leaders.


Monday afternoon saw our Year Six students graduate in a small ceremony with their families followed by an exhibition into their final inquiry into Who We Are. On Tuesday, our awards ceremony celebrated student learning and achievement and once again celebrated the final day for our Year Six students.


Congratulations to Wilson House for taking out the House shield for 2023 and to our incoming House Leaders.


Mokare: Molly Stan-Bishop and Robbie Fergie

Baudin: Zara Hancock and Kobi Rochester

Wilson: Poppy Lester and Daniel Cruse

Camfield: Ruth Toomey and Joele Tralli


The highlight of our day was the Christmas Concert which was packed with entertainment. Well done to all our staff and students for a wonderful show.


A highlight was our outgoing Principal, Mr Mark Sawle, rocking the Santa outfit with all the moves.


I hope all of our families have a safe and enjoyable holidays, Christmas and New Year and I look forward to welcoming families back for 2024.


A photo gallery of End of Year events will be made available, with further details to be provided in the Deputy Principal's back to school letter in January.


Mrs Leah Field | Head of Primary School