
Foundation Cluster News Term 4 Week 8



Dear God,  

Please be with us as we have our swimming week next week. Help us have a great end to the year. Amen

Rest and Play:

It is going to be a big week with Swimming so for home learning they can rest and play.



Swimming week starts on Tuesday the 5th of December and goes to Friday the 8th of December.  

Reminder: students are not to order lunch orders this week due to having a different eating time. 

Students will need to bring their school bag each day with their take home folder as we will be sending things home still and they will have lots of craft still.

They will need another plastic bag or small swim bag with a towel, spare knickers, goggles, swim shoes(thongs), swimming cap or ear plugs if they need it.

If you are picking your child up from Clovercrest, please be waiting outside the pool by 2.15pm. Please ensure you email or let us know if you are going to be taking them from the pool so we can organise their school bag. Thanks! 

Christmas Cards: 

If your child has cards they have written please get them to give them to us at the start of the day and we will get them to hand them out at the end of the day.

2024 new Foundation visits:

On Monday 4th of December and Monday the 11th December the current Foundations moving up to Year 1 in 2024 will be starting their day off in the Fellowship centre. Please bring them and their school bag to the Fellowship centre from 8.30am. They are not to go to our Foundation classroom. They will be in there until recess and as a group will bring items back to our Foundation classroom after recess. 

Take home books: 

Please return the take home book pouch and their take home books to school. Students will not be taking home any take home books or interest books in Week 8. Their take home pouch will stay at school and be given to their new teacher. Please ensure all books are brought back and their take home pouch is brought back too. 

Library books: 

If your child did not return their books, please start sending them back ASAP. Please check your child’s take home folder for any late slips.


Students will have their last tri skills lesson on Monday 4th of December.

Christmas concert: 

A friendly reminder that our Christmas concert is on Friday the 1st of December at 6.30. Students will meet us at our Foundation classroom at 6.45. They will need to be in their all white, brown, grey or black top and pants. If you have any questions please ask.  


We will be sending books and craft home in their take home folder in Week 8. Please make sure you take everything out of their take home pouches each night to ensure they don’t keep bringing them back to school. Please note some items will be kept at school and moved up into new classes. 




Keep smiling,  

Celeste and Emma 


Celeste Howard:  

Emma Wachtel: