Sport & Co-Curricular

Notices and Co-Curricular Information

PE Week

Physical Education Week promotes and highlights the importance of Physical Education in the Australian Curriculum. The week is a designated time to emphasize the importance of physical activity, health, and well-being.


In the senior school, the PE department and 2024 Sports captains organised various activities and events to promote physical fitness and encourage students to participate in sports and exercise. This included a morning Kahoot, which was won by 11 Red. On Tuesday the Gym was open to all students to engage in activities they enjoy, including Just Dance, table tennis, volleyball, badminton and a half-way basketball shooting competition. Well done to Liran Ma for winning this competition.


On Thursday the staff competed against the Student Executive in a game of Volleyball. The Staff team won convincingly, two sets to zero. The staff team was coached by Coach Cobb, and included the following players, Volleywood Kiosses, Big Hitting Baker, Senior Searle, Blocker Bobble Hains, Spike McRiley, Bradz Braddock, All Arms Archard, Benchwarmer Bond, Ace Glyntura and Killer Kendall. #We are not old, we are staff gold!


Finally, on Friday, six teams competed in the Annual Bench Ball Competition which was a real spectacle. It was played with high energy and comradery. 


We were also fortunate to have four Adelaide Football Club Women’s Players, Caitlin Gould, Sarah Goodwin, Brook Tonon and Eloise Jones, attend the Junior School at lunch time on Friday to sign footballs, shirts and shoes before a Q&A Panel at the Junior School Assembly.


The girls were super excited to meet their heroes today and we thank Mrs Molly Scott for organising such a fantastic opportunity for the girls!


Thankyou to everyone who got involved in the week and lets stay active.


Ms Mandy Braddock

Leader of Health & PE 7-12

Senior Co-Curricular Sports

Term 4 Information: 

The final round for Term 4 sport will take place this Saturday 25 November. We wish our teams all the best for their final games and thank all students for the wonderful commitment and sportsmanship shown this term, all teams were a credit to Loreto. 

This year we had many old scholars and parents who strengthened our sports program by giving up their time to coach and share their expertise with our students, a huge thank you to these individuals. Thank you also to the many people who have generously supported the co-curricular program this year, such as the students, coaches, teachers, and venue supervisors. Thank you also to our Loreto parents for supporting their children in so many ways and giving them the opportunity to participate in these sporting events. 


Round 6 Weekly Fixtures


Round 5 Results


Term 1 2024 Sports Nomination Form:

Thank you very much for completing the 2024 Term 1 Sports Nomination Form, please click on the link below to check your daughter has been allocated to the correct sport(s). 


2024 Term 1 Sport Nominations Received 


If you daughter is not listed in the document above but wishes to participate in a 2024 summer sport, please follow the steps below to complete a nomination:

  • Go into Loreto Connect (some people are just going to the Loreto College App and 
  • Clicking on sport and not actually going into Loreto Connect)
  • Click on Sport – Senior Sport
  • Click on the Nomination Forms tile
  • Click on Co-curricular Sport Selections Years 7-12
  • If a calendar appears – click on the Activity Selection to the left of the calendar
  • The sport pictures should then appear and you click on the sport of choice

 Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the sports on offer for Term 1.


Student Achievements:

Congratulations to Poppy Clark for representing South Australia in the Soccer Championships held in Sydney.  Well done to Minnie Clark who achieved a remarkable 3rd place in the soccer Singacup while representing Australia in Singapore. Great accomplishments!


If you have any questions about co-curricular sport, please contact me on 


Ms Sophie Hage

Leader of Sport and Sport Performance

Junior Sports News


Well done to our three AFLW teams who finished their seasons with matches on Wednesday afternoon. The girls have had a great term, had a lot of fun and improved throughout. Many thanks to our coaches Will, Phoebe and Kyle!


One of our teams however did encounter an example of poor sportsmanship in one of their matches recently. We were a couple of players short and our opposition kindly lent as a couple of players to ensure equal numbers on the field. However, those players didn’t try their best, deliberately kicked the ball the wrong way etc. It was a bit of a shock to our girls to see people not play the game in the right spirit.


A week later and the situation was reversed. Our team had some extra players and the opportunity was there to lend players to the opposition. Having been shown an example of poor sportsmanship, it was great to see all our girls put up their hand to fill in for the opposition and to try their best. Our girls were determined to show good sportsmanship after the poor example from the previous week!

Year 6 Netball

We are looking for a couple of extra players to bolster our Year 6 (students moving into Year 7 in 2024) netball teams on Friday nights. We are skating by with 7 players at present but would love a couple more. The teams are performing very well! Please contact Ben at if your daughter was interested in playing.


Term 1 Sports Selection

Our summer sports will go on hiatus soon as school holidays approach, but everything will be back up and running in Term 1.


Loreto’s netball, tennis and volleyball teams will continue on from Term 4, however students will have the chance to register for a number of other sports that have new seasons starting in Term 1.


New Term 1 Sports Available

  • Aerobics 
  • Athletics 
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country
  • Swimming

Information will go to parents early in Week 7 with registrations due by the end of January.


Mr Ben Johnswood

Sport Coordinator

Soccer Sensations

Congratulations again to Minnie and Poppy Clark who have recently travelled to compete in soccer tournaments the past week. Minnie travelled to Singapore to compete in the Singacup, with her team placing 3rd. Poppy travelled to Sydney with the U14 National Squad. You can see photos below of their time away!