Faith and Mission

From the Mission and Identity Team
Loreto Marryatville UN – Girls Conversation Circle
Earlier this year we had the pleasure of the hosting Janet Palafox ibvm at Loreto Marryatville. Janet is the Loreto representative at the UN. The IBVM NGO at the UN represents the interests of the global IBVM/CJ network, including its members on six continents, associates, current students, teachers, parents, communities, and more than a million alumni of our IBVM/CJ schools.
Inspired by Sr Janet’s visit, students in the senior school took part in a Girls Conversation Circle, this is the first official event for the newly formed LMUN, Loreto Marryatville UN. The conversation circle is significant in the lead up to the 68th Commission on the Status of Women. The conversation summaries will be compiled and submitted to UN Women to inform the discussion and advocacy efforts at CSW68. The conversation circle was a space for girls to lead productive dialogue around this year’s theme of Innovation and technological change and the impact of achieving equality for women in a digital age. The aim of the circle was to come up with ways for the girls to advocate collaboratively within their communities and global communities and to show that their voice matters!
Social Justice Captain Amreen said “On Thursday, a group of girls from different year levels in the senior school came together to discuss several issues that concern us. Some of these issues include women’s rights, gender equality, poverty, education and other general issues in society that to some extent impact us all. The conversations we had were incredibly meaningful, and everyone had their experiences to share. The main points from the conversation will be shared with UN women, which is such an honour, as our opinions and stories will be shared with girls all over the world. Overall, the Girls Conversation Circle was a success and a wonderful opportunity for us”.
World Childrens’ Day
Last Monday out Student Executive leaders led our Junior School Students in a ‘minute of loudness’ to recognise World Children’s Day.
World Children’s Day is celebrated each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide and improving children’s welfare.
This year’s theme is ‘For every child, every right’.
In our Year of Justice, we recognise the work of the Loreto Sisters and Loreto network and their efforts to empower women and children across the world. To learn more, go to the Loreto Justice Network Action centre Action Centre – Women & Children (
Vinnies Hamper Appeal
The Vinnies Christmas Appeal is currently in progress across the Junior and Senior schools and many donations have already been received for this final Social Justice drive of 2023.
The Junior School Social Justice Leaders have been busily encouraging their peers to help maintain the momentum. Our Social Justice leaders spoke at liturgy about how poverty affects people in South Australia. They showed us how we can do something really awesome by helping out, especially during this special time of year, by donating to the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. The girls asked for donations of food and toys to be collected during the next three weeks.
In the Senior school, hampers have been distributed to all homerooms. The SRC representatives have been busily reminding people that every little item helps those in need. Loreto families, as always, are magnanimous in supporting those who are less fortunate, ensuring that as many families as possible experience, even if in a small way, the joy of Christmas. We are always grateful for such support.
We wish you all a joyful and peaceful Christmas.
A reminder of items that can be brought to school can be found on the Senior and Junior School Student Bulletins.
Our Faith Life
Advent! It’s not just about counting down the days until Christmas; it’s a time filled with meaning and excitement. During Advent, we prepare our hearts and homes for the celebration of Jesus’ birth. It’s a chance for us and our families to reflect on hope, peace, joy, and love. We take the opportunity to share the magic of this season with our families, making moments count and cherishing the true spirit of Christmas together!
Liturgy in week 6 was led by our Reception students who taught us about the significance of Advent. Lighting the first purple Advent candle, the girls sang and led the prayers in a reverent manner. Attended by many parents and family members, this liturgy was a joyful occasion.