From the Principal 

Dr Nicole Archard

It's beginning to sound a lot like Christmas...

Last Saturday we celebrated the joys of the coming Christmas season with our Reception to Year 3 students, guided by some of our Year 5 and 6 students, marching and singing in the Norwood Christmas Pageant. The girls were not perturbed by sound of bagpipes that sometimes drowned out their voices, instead like true Loreto girls they just sang louder, much to the joy of the thousands of people who lined The Parade to watch the Pageant. The girls marched behind our school ‘Proud to be Loreto’ banner, and we could not have been prouder of our girls.


The Junior School Liturgy this week was led by our Reception students, I do love how we develop the confidence of our girls by having them lead school events and learning to speak on a microphone. The Liturgy marked the approach of Advent and reminded the girls of the importance of this Holy season that we are about to enter.

Growth and Development

There were also many events that have helped lead the growth and development of our Senior School girls.


Last week, our Senior School girls from Year 7 to 12 performed in ‘Creepy Cabaret’. I think the girls rather liked dressing up as ghouls and ghosts and performing a range of cabaret songs. It was not only exceptionally entertaining but also a display of the amazing depth of talent of our students and staff (who made quite a few cameo appearances). 


The annual Staff verses Student volleyball match also took place, and I am happy to say that for the fifth year straight, the Staff Team were victorious. One of the many skills that we teach the girls at Loreto is how to lose gracefully, which is a very important life skill. The Staff Team had many things on their side that helped with this victory, firstly, and probably most importantly, we did have an Olympic beach volleyball player. Brittany Kendall joined the College this term as our Senior School Sport Coordinator, so this certainly helped. We also had excellent coaching from Head Coach Cobb (aka Tennille Cobb, Loreto College Gifted and Talented teacher), Coach Cobb certainly recognised the giftedness of her team, and came up with the very motivational slogan, ‘we’re not old, we’re gold’, this also greatly assisted. Sadly, after five years on the team I am now officially retiring. I wish the Staff Team all the best for the years ahead. I encourage our students to keep training (and possibly recruiting), and with a bit of hard work and a growth mindset, I’m sure they will experience success in the future. 

Upcoming Events

I look forward to sharing upcoming events with you in the coming weeks, including:

  • Junior School Christmas Concert and Picnic (Friday 1 December)
  • Pre-school Graduation (Monday 4 December)
  • Year 6 Graduation (Wednesday 6 December)
  • Reception to Year 11, End of Year Mass (Thursday 7 December)
  • Year 4 to Year 11 Awards Evening (Thursday 7 December)

Dr Nicole Archard
