KLA Feature - PDHPE

In PDHPE our goal for the year is to focus on the development of written responses incorporating stage specific key verbs and subject specific terms that promote independent critical thinking.
YEAR 7 PDHPE: In our theory unit for this term, ‘Eat Well, Live Well’ students have been learning about the role of nutrients and healthy eating. Within this context, students have learnt how to interpret food labels as well as complete a written response recommending certain nutrients for optimal performance in a cross country event. Currently, students are working collaboratively to create and pitch a healthy canteen meal.
YEAR 8 PDHPE: In the unit ‘We’re all in this together’, students are focussing on the safe use of social media as a tool for communication and connection and not disclosing private information that could harm their reputation. In practical lessons, students are engaging in activities that develop rhythmic and expressive movement skills such as gymnastics and dance.
YEAR 9 PDHPE: Recently, students created and presented a modified game to their peers in a teacher / coaching role where they were expected to provide instruction and feedback to critique their class members. Last term in theory lessons, electronic cigarettes and associated harms was the focus. Students completed a written response whereby they evaluated an advertisement around the prevalence of vaping amongst adolescents.
YEAR 10 PDHPE: A large focus in theory lessons has been around the qualities of a healthy relationship, consent and the abuse of power in relationships. In the lead up to their End of Semester Exam, the girls have been focussing on examination skills such as breaking down questions, scaffolding responses, the inclusion of subject specific terms and time management. In prac, some classes are finalising their ‘Track and Field’ assessment whilst other classes are engaging in varied sports and games to showcase that physical activity can be planned or incidental.
Mrs Caroline McElroy
Leader of Learning PDHPE