What's Been Happening?

Year 3 complete a Cold Write on a cold Melbourne morning
Throughout the school, once or twice a term, we ask the students to complete a task called a ‘Cold Write’. This normally follows the study of a particular writing style, and asks students to write in this same style so that teachers can track their writing development.
This week, Year 3 were asked to write an information report about our school.
We turned on our special writing lanterns for some added atmosphere, and the classes wrote and edited their work for about 40 mins.
Year 2 Parent Visit
On Friday 21st June Tino, Benny’s dad, came into Year 2 to talk about his job as a builder. He told us about all the measuring he does because in Year 2 we are learning about measuring.
He told us about a laser measurer, ruler, measuring tape and a measuring wheel. Tino is building a shed up in Queensland. It is going to be 18 square feet, that's HUGE!
He showed us a blueprint of a three storey house and it had a car park underneath it and that was the first storey! There were about 10 bedrooms including the parents two bedrooms.
At the end of his visit we did a lollipop competition. I guessed 140 mms, but it was 190 mms. Bob won, he guessed 190 mm so he was exactly right. He won a big lollipop. Second was Thomas who guessed 180mm, he got a smaller lollipop. Finn came 3rd with his guess of 171mm and won the same lollipop as Thomas. I LOVED his talk and learned lots too.
By Charlie Woodruff 2I
Super Symmetry in Year 4
The Year 4 students have been learning about lines of symmetry and rotational symmetry.
Some Great Learning Samples From Around the School!
Year 2
Year 1