Student of the Week

Week 10 Student of the Week
Class | Child | Reason |
Prep A | Remy | For showing the school value of achievement. Remy, you have shown determination to get the most out of your learning time and made great progress this term.
Prep B | Ruby | For showing the school value of empathy. Ruby is a ray of sunshine in Prep B, bringing a smile to the face of all those who meet her. She is a caring friend and is always willing to lend a hand to those who need it.
Prep C | Ayla | For showing the school values of Empathy and Respect. Ayla you are such a caring classmate, and we feel so lucky to have you as a member of Prep C.
1A | Levi | For showing the school value of Achievement. Levi has produced many outstanding recount writing pieces. He is able to sequence events and write lots of interesting details in his work. He tries his best to complete 5 star writing. Levi you are a superstar! For showing the school value of Achievement.
1B | Jamie | For showing all the school values every day. Jamie, you always try your hardest on all your learning tasks and you always show respect and kindness to others.
1C | Noah | For showing the school value of Achievement. Noah, I am so impressed with your efforts to ‘Be Your Best and love how you strive to
2A | Ember | For showing the school value of Achievement. Ember, it has been so wonderful seeing you put in so much effort, particularly during writing and maths lessons. Well done Ember!
2B | Rishi
Floyd | For showing all the school values. Rishi you are a valued member of 2B. Good luck at your new school!
For showing the school value of achievement, doing your best, attempting difficult tasks and having an ‘I can’ attitude.
2C | Charlotte | For showing the school value of Achievement. Charlotte you have been showing an outstanding Growth Mindset in maths this week.
3A | Madison | For showing all the school values of CARE. Madison always tries her best, shows respect to all her peers and teachers.
3B | Willow G | For showing the school value of achievement in our inquiry sessions! Your rabbit hutch is incredible and I can’t wait to see the finished product.
3C | Elara | For showing all the school values. Elara you always work hard to complete high quality work and show respect to all your teachers and classmates. You are a kind and caring member of our class. Well done!
4A | Mason | For showing the school value of Achievement. Mason, you have had an amazing term. Your project detail, research and presentation were exceptional. Well done! |
4B | Quinn | For showing the school value of Achievement for your wonderful Inquiry presentation, audience participation and thoughtful comments.
4C | Marcus | For showing the school value of achievement during your Inquiry presentation and resilience in maths lessons.
5B | Alex | For showing the school value of achievement. Alex, it has been great to see you take on extra challenges throughout our multiplication unit. You are a maths superstar! Well done.
5C | Stevie | For showing the school value of achievement. Stevie, it’s been lovely seeing your enthusiasm during each Literacy Circles meeting.
5D | All of 5D | For showing the school value of Achievement. I have been incredibly impressed with your willingness to give new concepts and challenges a go. Congratulations, all of 5D! |
6A | Bella | For showing the school value of Achievement. Bella, it has been lovely to see you so engaged in Literacy circles discussions.
6B | Ethan | For showing the school value of Achievement. Ethan you did an amazing job as discussion director in Literacy Circles last week, well done!
6C | George | For showing the school value of Achievement by taking on challenges in his school work and striving for success
Line UP Legends | The class with the best transitions this week is …5D |