Specialist Classes

Visual Arts

Visual Arts Foundation, Year One and Year Two


Foundation, Year One and Year Two have been doing lots of wonderful artwork this term. Last week, the students loved working with plasticine and learning about colour in the process. I anticipate some students have even reused their plasticine to continue modelling with it at home.





Also take a look at Sophie’s beautiful artwork ‘Starry, Starry Owl.’ This was inspired by Vincent van Gogh’s artwork ‘The Starry Night.’




The last few weeks have seen students completing projects demonstrating their learning on Earth Science. 

Preps have collated their learning about weather to complete a digital weather report. It was great so see the students tackle this with so much enthusiasm and many really got into the role of the presenter! https://vimeo.com/969433205?share=copy (Weather Report by Abi Prep B) (Students investigating how clouds work)


Grade 1’s have completed their seasonal landscape drawings and Grade 2 have completed some posters on how we can care better for one of our most valuable resources, water. 

Grade 3 finalised their sundial investigation and made puppets to finish their exploration on shadows.


Grade 4 used their learnings on erosion to research, design, build and test a sandcastle that could withstand water erosion. There were a lot of great designs and learnings during the challenge. 

Grade 5 and 6’s evaluated their natural disaster project of choice: earthquake proof skyscrapers, hurricane proof houses and completed their volcanic eruption news reports. They outlined what worked well and what they would do differently next time. 

Well done to all students on their efforts this term!


The Enviro Club

The Enviro Club students have been very busy bees this term. 

The term started with students organising Earth Day in Week 2, where classrooms were asked to reflect on our Earth and the things we can do to better protect it. Classes were asked to try to go digital to reduce paper waste, turn off unnecessary electrical devices and participate in a school clean up. A large amount of waste was collected which was fantastic, but also an eye opener to what more can be done to keep our school clean. 

Students started the term tending to their recently planted vegetable gardens of lettuce, celery, spring onions and broccoli. Students then turned and prepared some garden beds for a second planting. There has been a lot of weeding and ad hoc watering as despite it being winter, our plants have not had a lot of rain. Students are looking forward to starting to harvest this week and when we return after the school holidays. 

Term 3 will see students start to prepare for how the school can implement a composting program. Well done to all our amazing Enviro Club students.