Newsletter - Year 6

Dear Year 6 parents and carers


As we sign off for another term we would like to thank all our Year 6 families for their support over Term 2. Our Year 6 students have worked extremely hard in class, across all curriculum areas. We completed our first round of Literacy Circles with the majority of students completing their weekly reading and roles on time each week. Our group discussions were a highlight with all students taking the role of Discussion Director once in the term. As teachers it is lovely to sit back and observe this discussion and emerging leadership skill.


We were very pleased with the quality of the Term 2 homework task on the struggles in the colonies. Whilst it wasn’t a long and complicated task, our students have shown a growing knowledge in this area. Our Inquiry unit has delved into colonisation and the impacts on our Indigenous peoples over the last 200+ years. 


In Maths we continue to have a classroom focus, with daily reviews of earlier concepts. We encourage students to ask for follow up practice questions at home and/or work through Mathletics tasks. This term we have looked closely at multiplication and division of whole numbers, fractions and decimals. Next term we move into addition and subtraction, and units of measurement.


We wish all our families a safe and happy holiday. A reminder that the first day back is a Curriculum Day and we will see all our students back on Tuesday 16th July.


Year 6 teachers

Cara, Jess, Nikki and Celine