Newsletter - Yea

Good afternoon everyone,


Welcome to the end of Term 2! We truly can’t believe we are halfway through the year already. Thank you to everyone who attended the PST Conferences yesterday, or organised an alternate time.


This week we have been busy wrapping up this term’s topics. The students have all worked so hard and should be proud of their accomplishments in each area.



In Writing, students finished drafting, editing and publishing their procedural writing.

In our Science of Reading lessons and Literacy Rotations, we have been exploring prefixes meaning ‘not’ such as non, im, dis and un. We continued learning different syllable types, this week with a focus on consonant + le (c+le) syllables. Our comprehension focus has been on making connections, so far we have learned about ‘text to self’ and ‘text to text’ connections.



We have finished our Term 2  focus of addition and subtraction. We have spent the past couple of weeks exploring the connection between the two and building upon our knowledge. We have also pre-tested for next term’s focus: Multiplication and Division. 



The students spent the last few weeks creating amazing inventions as part of our inquiry unit ‘What Makes A Design Go Bang’. On Tuesday, we were able to visit all the Year 3 rooms for our Invention Expo and see what the other classes had created.


Topics for next term

Literacy - Prefixes, Syllable types, Punctuation and various comprehension strategies

Writing - Narratives

Maths - Multiplication and Division, Statistics and Probability 

Wellbeing - Friendology will resume with  Mrs Tucker for the first 4 weeks, before we move back into our RRRR  (Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships) program.

Inquiry - Early Explorers


Important Information


Homework will remain unchanged in Semester 2. We are asking for a minimum of 80 minutes of reading a week at home


We will also be setting 3 Tasks on Mathletics for the students to complete throughout the week. These will become available Friday afternoons and will be explicitly linked to our focus in class.


We kindly ask that you email your class teacher, or send a note, if your child is unable to complete their homework by Friday morning.


We will not be setting homework tasks for the holidays. However, if you would like to work through anything, Live Mathletics is always available. We encourage you to continue reading with your child and asking a range of comprehension questions. A holiday journal is always a  great way to keep up on writing, if you’re looking for something extra.


Have a happy and safe holiday,

The Level Three Team.