Newsletter - Year 4

Dear parents,


We have made it to the end of Semester 1 and what a wonderful term it has been. Some of our highlights include:

Life Education, Indigenous Landscapes Walking Tour, Friendology, Athletics Carnival, 100th Birthday Celebrations, Harmony Day and many more. In our classrooms, we have been proud of all the effort and hard work given on a daily basis to undertake and complete tasks. Thank you for taking the time to come along to PST conferences on Wednesday, it was lovely to see you all and we very much look forward to working with you and your children for the second semester of Year 4. 


In term 3, students will swap their AUSLAN session for a teacher facilitated library session with Mrs Andrea Pierce. Please be advised that all students will require a LIBRARY BAG. You can use a regular calico shopping bag, or purchase one from Kmart for a very low cost. Please ensure library bags are named and brought to school as soon as possible.


What's happened in year 4 this week?


English –  This week in Writing we have published our narratives. We hope you enjoy reading them.


Maths – This week in maths we’ve continued to investigate fraction and decimal representations. 


Things to Remember:

  • Friday 28th June - Last day of term 2. Early finish (2.30pm).
  • Monday 15th July - ENPS curriculum Day
  • Tuesday 16th July - Term 3 begins
  • Bring a Library Bag to school in term 3!


Wishing you and your family all the best for a lovely mid semester break. We look forward to seeing everyone again at the beginning of term 3 - Tuesday 16th July.


Year 4 teachers.