Teaching and Learning

P-2 News from Miss Duffy
Last week the students enjoyed creating their own planes from wafers and other edible treats. The goal was for the students to construct a plane and then write a procedural text, explaining the steps that they took to build the plane. Making the planes first, allowed the students to build up mental imagry and make the writing process more meaningful. Of course these planes were not given a chance to fly- unless flying straight into the eager mouths of 5-8 years olds counts!
In Mathematics we have spend some time working with number patterns. We have looked at how different counting patterns can be identified, continued and created. Our preps have been concentrating on counting by 1's and being able to recognise, read and record the numbers to 20, whist the Year One and Two students have been counting by 2's, 5's, 10's and even 9's (one of our personal favourite number patterns.
Year 3-6 News from Mr Collins
To wrap up our unit on flight we decided to work on hypothesising the outcomes of different experiments to do with flight. Some were very successful, some not-so-much. Regardless, the kids had a blast and were able to justify all of their predictions conducting each of the scientific experiments.
Art News from Miss Duffy
We have continued with our bird theme and have learnt how to emboss. Students each created an emossed bird mobile with lines and patterns. These birds are currently hanging in our art room and the students are very excited to take them home next term.
Work has also continued on our bird scultpures- with the painting of each bird's features occuring this week. These crazy and colourful birds will form part of a display in the main corridor of the school.
MARC News from Mrs Gentry
Please be advised that due to Mrs Gentry taking leave in Term 3, our fortnightly MARC Library Service will not operate until September 5th. It will then visit again on Thursday September 19th. There will therefore be no student borrowing early in the term and we ask that all books borrowed in Term 2 be returned for our final Term 2 MARC session on Thursday June 27th.