From the Office

News From the Principal
Welcome To The World
Congratulations to Stevie, on the arrival of her littlest brother, Will Toby Hartland. He sure is cute! Of course our congratulations are extended to Stevie's family, Michelle, Adam and Kody. We have reserved a prep placement at Raywood PS for Will for the year 2030.
Alice In Wonderland
Our performance is ready to roll and we hope to have a full-house on Friday from 12.45pm onwards to watch our students showcase their acting, singing and dancing skills. The performance is in the main building, please enter through the front main door. We can't wait to see you all. Below are some preview pictures.
Early Dismissal
Don't forget that this Friday is the final day of Term 2. Students will be dismissed at 2.20pm and those travelling home on the bus will arrive an hour earlier than their regular time. Parents who are at the performance, may take their children at the conclusion of the play.
Term 3
A reminder that Term 3 begins on Tuesday July 16th for our students. There is no school on Monday July 15th as Lisa and Hayden will be involved in professional learning with their Bendigo Small School's colleagues.
Term 3 is shaping up to be a busy, but fun filled term. Our Integrated Studies unit for the term is focusing on First Nations Peoples' history, culture and contributions. As part of this unit of study we have organised a visit to the Melbourne Museum on Wednesday August 7th. We will visit exhibits that showcase Indigenous Australian culture. We are travelling by Vline Train from the Bendigo Railway Station. Times and other arrangments will be posted on uEducateus along with permission that needs to be signed- this information will be available from the first week of term. The cost of the excursion ($10 per student) is heavily subsidied due to travel concessions and school contributions.
Thursday afternoons will see us venture into Bendigo to attend Jett's Gym (an indoor gymnastics centre)- these sessions will run for the first five weeks of Term 3. We will leave school at 1.30pm and our sessions will run from 2pm- 3pm. We will then return to school- therefore on Thursdays we will dismiss the students at 3.30pm for the first five weeks - meaning the bus will run ten minutes later than regular times in the afternoon. Permission forms are on uEducateus for parents to fill in, there is no cost for these sessions.
Junior Public Speaking Competition
Once again our Year 3-6 students have been preparing their speeches for the Lions Club of East Loddon Junior Public Speaking Competition. Last year was the first year we entered and the benefits we saw for our students in terms of confidence, creativity, expression and school representation were enormous. Mr Collins and his crew have been busy over recent weeks planning, drafting and editing their speeches and the students have begun to practice the speech delivery. We invite all families and community members to come along to listen to our students at our school-based competition on Friday July 19th at 2pm. We will have some guest judges and each student will deliver their speech and be provided feedback that will guide them towards delivering an even better perfromance/speech at the East Loddon Event.
The competition at East Loddon will be held at the Dingy Lions Den (opposite the East Loddon College) on Sunday July 28th (a time is yet to be confirmed). We hope to have as many family and friends their to support our students on this day. More information about this event will be communicated as soon as it comes to hand. Below are photos of our students from 2023 who competed in the event at East Loddon.
Works at School
Over the holiday break we will have some works occuring at school. One of the major projects is our riding track. The marking out and preparations works have begun this week, with the majority of the work being carried out over the holidays. Can I please ask families and community to ensure that they do not use this track over the holidays whilst it is under construction or even if they feel that it is complete.
There may also be some other works in the grounds over the holidays and once again I ask that anyone using the playground and grounds areas stay well away from any construction or works so as not to impede the work and for their own personal safety.
Winter Sports
Last week our Year 3-6 students travelled to Colbinnabin to participate in the Campaspe Small Schools Cluster Sports. There were three sports on offer, netball, football and soccer. Lily and Kiara chose to play football whilst Ollie, Skylar, Mia and Isabell chose netball. Each student had postitive things to say about their day, ranging from making new friends and learning new skills to playing their game of choice.
Food Share
Once again we are so thankful to East Loddon Food Share for our end of term food boxes. I know that so many families have taken time to message me and let me know what a help these are. Can we please ask that the empty boxes be returned to school as they are used again next term? (The cost of buying new boxes is one of Food Share's greatest expenses.)
Thank you to Lily and Kiara- our wonderful school leaders, who travelled over to East Loddon to pack the boxes. Also a huge thank you to Bree's taxi service for transporting the girls.
Student Reports
Families should have all now received a paper copy of their child/ren's Semester One Report. They are also available in electronic format on our uEducateus platform. A reminder that once you have read your child's report, that you are most welcome to make an appointment to speak with your child's teacher/s about their progress or our programs. Please contact the school office to arrange a mutually suitable time.
PJ Day
Yesterday we held a PJ Day. This day saw our students and staff come to school in their pjs. We snuggled up in the afternoon to watch a movie called Paper Planes. It was a relaxing way to begin to unwind after a busy term and also a great culmination to our Integrated Studies unit on Flight.
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy