Spotlight on Learning

Stage 1
1P have been enjoying the past few weeks of term. We have been learning about Salvador Dali who created the Elephants painting in the Surrealism period. We have been enjoying creating our own Elephant paintings.
1P have been building a map of our school using blocks and they have been drawing a map of their bedroom.
In mathematics we enjoyed a fractions lesson with fairy bread where we learnt about halves, quarters and eighths . We have also been learning about position and have played some barrier games where we can't see the position and location of shapes on our partners boards. We have been able to follow directions carefully to play these games.
1P especially enjoyed participating in learning goalball to raise awareness for vision impairment. Goalball is a unique sport and has been in the Paralympics since 1976. The children completed a maze while blindfolded while following directions from their partner.
We have been enjoying practicing for the athletics carnival and we are looking forward to this next term.
Mrs Prince - 1P Classroom Teacher
Stage 2
Survivor Excursion
Last Monday, Stage 2 students ventured to Field of Mars Education Centre for their excursion. After a brief introduction and recess, students were placed in groups of four. Working as a team, Stage 2 students had to orient maps, solve problems, and complete a series of physical challenges that tested their patience, resilience, and teamwork skills, all while collecting pieces of a puzzle for their final challenge.
Some of the challenges included floor is lava, mystery boxes, key challenges, net fishing and a floating challenge.
Students used their critical and creative thinking skills and had to work collaboratively and constructively in various situations. While completing each challenge, they also had to ensure they all held tightly onto a rope to stay and work together.
After lunch, students went on a bush trek through rugged terrain, exploring different flora and fauna.
This excursion stretched and challenged students outside the classroom. The action-packed day built student bonds, revealed hidden talents, and consolidated leadership skills.
The day culminated in a large outdoor predator-prey game, where students took on roles and tested their ability to survive in a predator-prey scenario.
To end the fun-filled week students had the opportunity to participate in goalball. Goalball is a team sport played indoors by athletes with vision impairment. The object of the game is to roll the ball into the opponent's goal while the opposing players try to block the ball with their bodies. Students were keen to learn more about this Paralympic sport.
Mrs Jones - 4J Classroom Teacher
Stage 3
Our Stage 3 team is an ambitious, dynamic and energetic group of teachers and students who take pride in who we are. There is never a dull moment in our lives, and we thrive on being part of Roselea Public School, being thankful that we can be this privileged to enjoy top education, sport and well-being.
One of our favourite days of the year is when the professional police band visits our school. We were fortunate to enjoy listening and interacting with the Police Band on Tuesday. Our Concert Band had the fantastic opportunity to play with these professional musicians. There we so many different wind and brass instruments, drums and keyboard. We listened to popular songs like Avengers, Seal Lullabies, Spiderman, Star Wars, Waltzing Matilda and Disney Songs. Students loved the sound of musical instruments such as the piccolo, flute, clarinets, bassoon, saxophone, trumpets, French horn, trombones and tuba. Some students even had a chance to conduct the orchestra.
Whether it is PSSA or class sport, we give it a go!
Let’s give power to the people, so let’s hear it from some of 5J students what they have been doing at school lately.
Mrs Janssen - 5J Teacher
Maths – General and Extension
We are learning how to measure and label angles using a protractor and estimating and describing the size of angles using known angles as benchmarks. We are also learning to investigate the relationships formed by the intersection of straight lines.
5J has been learning about angles in maths. Something we found out that was really interesting was using and learning how to use the protractor. We also learnt that an obtuse angle is greater than 90° degrees but less than 180°, a right angle is 90° exactly, an acute angle is less than 90° and a reflex is greater than 180° and less than 360 °. I finally know how to use a protractor!
Selina C
This term students in extension have been learning about division, multiplication, decimals, area, angles, conversions, etc. Students have been working very hard on trying to master these skills. In division we have been learning how to do long and short division, we are now very good at short and long division -we can even division with decimals! Multiplication was a bit difficult but now it is super easy, we can do 3 digit times 3 digit! Area was pretty simple and we learned instantly after we learned the basics (multiply the length and width). Angles was a new concept, we just learned how to measure accurately with protractors.
Conversions and Metric System
Recently, we have been learning about the metric system and how to convert metres to centimetres, litres to millilitres, etc. In extension 5J has used many different prefixes for measurements like hecto, deka and even deci (pronounced desi not deki), so from a meter it would go to hectometer which is 100x bigger than a normal meter, dekameter which is 10x bigger than a meter and so on. Adding to that if you had 1 kilometer and would want hectometers to you could move the decimal backwards. We are improving in maths and often getting 100% in tests, I am so proud of 5J!
Yanjeh Z
Volume and capacity
For the past week in extension maths groups we have been learning about volume and capacity. More specifically figuring out how to find the volume and capacity of objects by multiplying the length times the width times the height. For example if a cube was 2cm by 2cm by 3cm the volume of the cube would be 12cm, we also use this knowledge for the capacity unit. In the capacity unit we have been learning how to figure out how much water a box can hold depending on its volume. Before we learnt how to find the capacity, we learned how to find the volume to help us. To find the capacity of an object you have to use the formula LxWxH= (Answer). Along with this project we took home a Mathletics sheets and had a task to create a waterproof cube with the dimensions of 1cm x 1cm x1cm. Boys made bigger cubes. The students were very enthusiastic when told to create this project. Sadly, maths groups were postponed. I bet that we are all very excited to present our projects next week.
Madison P
Maths (protractors)
In math with Mrs Jansen, we have been learning about using protractors and measuring angles. We get to make our own angles! We also get to do fun activities and when we write we can use our own protractors that we have been learning about, this has been super fun and since we are loving it so much how about I show you some I made myself!
All these angles I made on paper using a protractor but today we are just using online photos with the same angle.
We also learnt that (°) is the degree sign and that this is commonly used in weather!
Ava (writer) & Ariya (editor)
We recently have been working on angles such as Acute angle, Obtuse angle, Right angle, Straight angle, reflex angle and revolution angles. We also learned about complementary angles and supplementary angles. Basically, complementary angles are 2 angles that add up to 90° and supplementary angles are 2 angles that add up to 180°. We have also learnt about different types of lines like perpendicular and parallel lines. A parallel line will always extend in one direction and never intersect with each other but perpendicular lines always intersect at right angles. We have also been learning how to measure angles by using a protractor. A protractor is a semi - circle shaped mathematical tool which is used to measure angles. Students had to solve a problem involving displacement of water with some cubes inside the container. It took time but we solved the problem in the end.
Dhruv M
Volume and Capacity (Displacement)
Displacement is when you drop an item in a water container and it rises. The difference between the original and the new water level is the displacement of the object. For example if you drop a 1 cm cube in a cup of water the water level will rise but not by 1 cm because water is a liquid and when you add the 1 cm cube it will need to get flattened. Hence, the displacement changes depending on the shape of the container. We have also learnt that 1cm (centimetre) cubed is equivalent to 1ml (millilitre).
Deker P
For English, our class - 5J has been reading Boy Overboard by Morris Gleitzman. This story is about a boy from Afghanistan becoming a refugee with his family and his challenges trying to survive, while also winning the soccer World Cup as an Australian player. We have been answering comprehension questions and reading the book as a class. This book supports refugees and women’s rights.
We have been also learning about multi model hybrid texts and how to create them. An example of one that we've been looking at is One Small Island by Alison Lester and Coral Tulloch.
Shana P and Victoria S
In art we are creating a class collage, using the mathematical concept of transformation to resize a colour print. Each student received a small piece of the art to add to our class mural.
Our class, 5J, has started to create a significant art work, 'The Church in Winter Starry Night'. It is a wonderful piece made by Aja Trier. Our class is very excited to start a new art. When the art is combined, it will turn into a magnificent wall mural masterpiece. 5J is designing a challenging work, however we all are doing a great job. WOOHOO! Let's go 5J!
Joanna S
In 5J we have ben experimenting with different art styles and the most recent ones we have been doing is cubism and point perspective . Cubism is not like other art styles but similar to abstract art. You could draw many different things in cubism but you will definitely see a lot of art in 5J! We are very excited to be trying this art style.
Habishika N
One-point perspective
In 5J we also have been doing a one-point perspective illustrations. 5J has been enjoying using their creative skills/talents. We have been impressed with our drawings and paintings. These art styles are quite interesting because you have to make sure everything connects to the point in the middle of the page hence it’s name one-point perspective. Our class has been really happy to do different styles like cubisim and one-point perspective.
Larissa L
We, 5J, are doing an art called ‘Church in winter landscape at starry night’. This magnificent artwork will be remade by us. Yes, everyone in the class will be working together to recreate this gorgeous art. We, 5J, will make your heart melt with this beautiful art.
Myesha Y