2025 Foundation

2025 Foundation Transition Sessions
1) Friday 25th of October 9:30-10:45
2) Friday 8th of November 9:30-10:45
3) Friday 22nd of November 9:30-10:45
4) Meet the Teacher Tuesday 10th of December 10:00-12:00.
Please bring a named sun hat and a drink bottle.
Students will need to be signed in and out by an adult.
Things to try
- putting on their jackets or a top, and even doing up buttons.
- putting on shoes and socks
- finding their own name on display. Label everything that comes to school.
- opening a lunch box, wrapped food, drink bottle etc
- waiting - in lines for a ticket, for a bus, for a book at the library, in the supermarket.
- washing and drying their hands correctly.
- eating sitting down
- packing up items after playing, eating,
- practise walking to and through the school grounds. Where can you park? Where shall you meet after school?
- what is your full name? What are your parents' or grown-ups names?
How To Use Compass
Attendance -
Attendance rolls are marked twice, daily in all Government Primary Schools.
This is a legal requirement and reflects that all school-aged children must be attending a registered school.This means a teacher will mark the roll shortly after 9 am ( start of school ) and after coming in after lunch. If a child is not there, they will be marked absent.
This is why a parent or carer must enter a reason into Compass showing why they are absent, and that the parent approves of this absence.
If nothing is entered, Compass will record an unexplained absence. This will sit on the student's profile until a Parent or Carer enters a reason for the absence.
Being signed in at the office, and getting a late or early pass does not override this, it just shows the student is now onsite. It shows the teacher that the child has been to the office, and parents are aware the child is coming late. Please do not ask your child to come to the office without an adult eg - ' I will meet you at the office'. Letting the teacher know via email or letter will not over ride or enter it into Compass, this still needs to be completed by a parent or carer.