Student achievements

Kalinda Kids shine!
Every day Kalinda kids are achieving great things in their classroom and yard, but we know that outside of school, they are often kicking lots of goals as well (literally and figuratively)! Celebrating the growth of 'the whole child' is something we treasure.
If your student has an achievement that you would like to share please send to Mrs. Hopkins so that we can celebrate them in the newsletter! Whether it is a sporting achievement, Karate grade, Cub badge, community service or amazing new skill - we want to share it with our community.
I can't wait to hear about your achievements and share them with our community!
Lauren Hopkins
Isla is helping our community
submitted by proud mum Emma
Isla from 3RB has been motivated to help her local community after seeing a Facebook post from Yarrunga Community Centre making food for local community members in need. Isla contacted Yarrunga Community Centre who cook food for the Community Meals Program (providing local people in need with two sit-down meals a week) and asked how she could help. She was informed that donations of food would be beneficial to the community group. Isla set herself a goal of collecting 105 food items from family and friends; however, she surpassed this goal, and the Yarrunga Community Centre were very appreciative and grateful for Isla’s hard work and support. Isla wanted to share her work with the Kalinda Primary School community in the hope that she would inspire others to support their local community services.
Isla is already thinking about her next community service and is in the process of researching how she can make a difference to local community groups working with animals.
Well done Isla, we are so proud of you!